
Poe Ghostal’s Points of Articulation encourages readers to submit news tips, questions, requests for reviews of specific figures or posts on a particular topic. We also welcome inquiries about writing guest reviews.

Advertising inquiries are of course also very welcome!

We have a few features that exist primarily by reader submission:

  • Toy Aisle Trolls – Submit photos of toys found on sale at major retail stores (Toys R Us, Target, Walmart, etc.) that have been vandalized.
  • Most Wanted – Readers are encouraged to submit photos and descriptions of their “Holy Grail” toys that they’re trying to track down.
  • Identify the Toy – Got a toy you don’t recognize? Want to know what it is or where it came from? Send me pics and/or a description and
  • Auction Feature – Submit any and all auctions for bizarre eBay items you come across.
  • Pic of the Day – Join the PGPoA Flickr Group and submit your photos for our Pic of the Day feature.