A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day

Kronis, Space Pirate by Poe Ghostal


Review > Battle Cat (Masters of the Universe Classics)


Review > Eclipso (DC Universe Classics)


  1. dwaltrip

    Great pic Poe.

  2. MechaShiva

    Nice,Kronis would look good as a star trek baddie,the 80's have the best cyborgs!

  3. Ryan


  4. Nik

    Look at him sitting there. Enjoying his right arm and lower jaw. Little does he know… Little. Does. He. Know.

  5. Mario

    I really thought I'd be able to "live" without Kronis, but the more I see him, the more I know I need to have him. This pic puts me over the top.

    Great work Poe.

  6. Fantastic photo! Makes me want Trap Jaw even more.

  7. Richard Grayson

    Some people call him a space cowboy…ba duh dum.

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