MOTU Fans,
You overwhelmingly asked for the ears of Moss Man® to be unflocked and we listened… we stopped production of the flocked ear version, made a change, and Moss Man™ will forevermore have unflocked ears. Now, all 2010 Club Eternia™ subscribers will automatically get the version with unflocked ears as their March figure!
But because we produced a small quantity of flocked ears before making what’s called a “running change,†we will sell both the flocked-ear and unflocked-ear versions as separate items on March 15th. That means there will be two separate product pages, one with flocked ears and one with unflocked ears, so you’ll need to be careful that you order the one you want. Again, there’s just a small quantity of the flocked-ear version available, and we’re expecting them to go quickly.
Other than the flocking, the figures are identical. Both versions will have an evergreen fresh scent and an alternative 2002-inspired head designed by the Four Horsemen. Your chance at both happens right here at at 12:00 noon Eastern/9:00 am Pacific!
I’m sure there will be those who complain–for some reason–but I have to admit, this is pretty cool of Mattel.
Dead Man Walking
Props to Mattel.
Note: This cease in mossman production will later lead to an added cost in DCUC. If you don't continue to buy DCUC at $18 a piece and the line gets canceled it's your fault. Also DCUC figures will be able to look up and down, but wont be able to look side to side.
Just sayin'
😛 j/k
While I don't particularly care about the ears one way or the other, I do think it is cool that they got this worked out like that.
Evergreen scent eh? I may buy one to hang in the car!
And this is what leads to the expensive Flocked Eared Mossman variant.
I just think there's such a thing as too much catering to the fans, I mean look at the boards. Every time a new figure is shown they have a petition to change something about it, even though the quality on MOTUC is superior to every other Mattel line. As far as accuracy goes, they should have not flocked the ears, but I don't think it's a positive thing for the line to have every opinion the fan community comes up with pull the production process to a screeching halt.
Dan C.
Lots of time between now and the March sale date to change their mind(s) again!
I wouldn't be buying one. No need to make the house smell like Pine Sol or a bathroom for that matter.
I don't follow that closely, but I honestly don't remember any other polls like this other than that one about Battle Cat's paws (still don't remember exactly what their problem was).
But here, believe it or not I feel like Mattel has handled every step of Mossman exactly right. Kudos to them.
Wes GRogan
I have to agree and applaud Mattel for this decision. Some will complain that they couldn't buy a flocked ear version. Some will complain that they couldn't buy a non-flocked ear version. Some will complain that they received the non-flocked ear version by default. Hell, it might even happen that one or two flock ears will go to a non-flocked customer! There's room for a lot of complaints here, but let's face it.. there's always room for a lot of complaints here. And, there are some toy collectors who are just a wee bit anal retentive for their own good.
Philip Reed
I just want a Moss Man. I don't care if his ears are flocked or unflocked.
Heh…I kinda hope someone winds up with one with just one flocked ear.
Matt K
This works out for me. I preferred the unflocked ears and that's supposed to be what I'm getting with the subscription.
Thomas B
Yeah I am happy with this decision. Glad I get the unflocked one. I may just pck up the flocked in the ear variant. Damn mattel and my inability to not buy something motuc related.
On a side note this is a great test if they want to release a variant of a main figure the same time as the main figure. I.e. Evil lyn
I'm extremely happy with this decision. I don't think they're catering to the whims of the fans… the flocked ears looked dumb, plain and simple.
This will definitely create a much rarer flocked-ear Moss Man collectible, but in this case, I think Mattel did the right thing. The majority of the fans will be happy, but Mattel also regained a little bit of the fans' trust they seem to have a hard time keeping.
you know, this pisses me off… here the flocked ear motherflockers get their god damned pet project… what about the blond long haired teela heads dammit!?!?! that was not quite the easy fix the flocking ears were, BUT it was much more germaine to getting the product right! damned fool orgers, they WASTE their power of influence on innane crap! but come something serious, they're as useless as back pockets on sweat pants!
jk… kinda…
Well done Mattel, expertly handled!
Newton Gimmick
Personally I was fine with Flocked Ears, but Mattel has insured those will sell out now by making them rare. It's fine either way I guess. I give them props because this is what people more or less wanted and instead of their original halfass idea, they actually used some business sense for once.
Just because you asked for it:
I'm complaining for some reason 🙂