The daddy of Prince Adam and popular fast food mascot goes on sale at 12pm ET today, alongside the Goddess, a reissued Skeletor and a ton of other stuff, including:
- DCUC Animal Man/B’wanna Beast 2-pack
- DCUC Wave 11 Boxed Set
- 6″ Flight Stands
- 6″ Prototype Suit Bruce Wayne
- 6″ Ghostbusters Winston Zeddemore
- 12″ Ghostbusters Egon Spengler
- 12″ General Zod
- Super Friends Robin & Hawkman
- and more (note: the sale date for the Retro-Action DC Super Heroes Green Arrow was pushed back to December 23)
Here’s a link to the all-in-one order page.
Why the flood of items in December? I dunno…maybe it’s for tax reasons or something. Incidentally, if you look to the sidebar you’ll notice I added a small at-a-glance Mattycollector calendar.
I’m definitely getting Randor, the Goddess, and Winston. I thought about the Skeletor reissue, but changed my mind when I found out that the “tighter grip” left hand is actually just the same hand with slightly more curled fingers–rather than the Zodac/Webstor hand, which is what I thought it would be. UPDATE: the word from Matty himself is that figure WILL have the Zodac/Webstor left hand. Which means I’ll be getting him.
Anyway, use this post as a discussion thread for all things Matty. The next Q&A should be up sometime later today.
Also: sign me up for a MOTUC Santa Claus.
Philip Reed
@Thomas B: "no they do not own their factories as far as i know, nor have they stated otherwise."
Part of the latest CPSC ruling in which Mattel can skip third party testing is because they own their factories.
From the article at Zimbio:
“Mattel says its situation is unique because it owns its production factories outside the U.S. and can do the required safety testing there.”…
I wrote about this back in October:
Did not see that coming.
Heh, sold out and 100+ comments… 'ol boy still got it!
Mysterious Stranger
When you've got all the might, power and influence of a flame-broiled empire you expect nothing less.
Got my Winston yesterday. The trap lightning looks like it was molded around a ball or green hotdog eating ghost. That excites me to no end. Can't wait to crack him open and put Slimer in the trap.
Hail to the King! I thought Goddess would sell out first! I just hope I get my shipping confirmation soon!
No shipping confirmation for me either, though I have been billed. Maybe tonight.
Not that I'm exactly counting the seconds til his arrival =P He's staying in his little White Castle once I get him anyway.
@Philip Reed:
If that's all there was to it, Mattel would have just made more of DCUC wave 9 instead of announcing that there was an accidental shortage and cancelling online orders.
MMM… White Castle… some friends of mine were heading down to Elmsford, NY last weekend where apparently a White Castle is located no farther than 20 minutes away. Do you think they would have brought some home for me?! NOPE! I guess they all got eaten on the trip home!
Philip Reed
@Scott: "If that’s all there was to it, Mattel would have just made more of DCUC wave 9 instead of announcing that there was an accidental shortage and cancelling online orders."
That's what I would assume, but Mattel has done enough weird — sometimes questionably shady — things that I don't understand their thought process.
I'd like to hope my Wednesday morning mental lapse had nothing to do with Randor's 100+ post count. (Insert red faced smilie here.)
If I've learned two things from this thread they'd be:
1. When my schedule is filled with late nights and early mornings, leave the discussion to the people with coherent thinking.
2. King Randor makes one rockin' Santa.
Anyways, I want to thank you guys for not being too harsh on the newbie.
It's appreciated.
Now, it's time to eat and then grab some rest.
Take care.
I'm surprised he took this "long" to sell out. After all, Randor is key to the MOTU mythos, & I'm sure a lot of people were looking forward to him, as he was likely never part of their collections back in the day.
Out of curiosity, was Randor a tail-ender, like Scareglow? I've always had him so I took it for granted. The only two original MOTU figures that I wanted but never got were Snakeface and Scareglow. I also wanted a Frightzone, but never got that either. What a deprived childhood I had!
Thomas B
@Philip Reed:
true but it is easier to turn around one figure for one retail outlet(matty) than it is to turn around another order for a whole wave of figure of numerous outlets.
plus when wave 9 was being made all the other lines for the holiday season were being made so factories were prob very swamped.
I just think half of Matty's "lying" is people deciding their own facts without proof and declaring anything that Matty says that contradicts those "facts" a lie.
And, sorry, but, unless you work for Mattel or one of their factories, you have no proof. (I'm speaking generally, not to anyone specific).