3. When the slimed Peter Venkman figure ships next May will his deco be similar to that of the SDCC exclusive Egon in terms of slime quantity or will he be messier?
It will be a bit messier to look as close to how Peter looked in the hotel scene. He will also have a unique head for this release.
Kind of annoying that we have to wait til May for a Venkman, and when we finally get one, he is going to be extremely scene specific. Sounds like Mattel is really trying to milk this line.
Couldn't help but notice this one from Pendragon's Post;
There are a lot of International collectors that can't get some of the store exclusives, like Wave 10. Are there any plans to make the exclusives available for them? What about an international/European online shop?
Wave 10 will be available at Wal-Mart locations world wide.
I wonder if that includes UK's Wal-Mart owned ASDA chains?
thomas b
Great round of questions overall. They really hit this round o the. One with a lot of the answers
3. When the slimed Peter Venkman figure ships next May will his deco be similar to that of the SDCC exclusive Egon in terms of slime quantity or will he be messier?
It will be a bit messier to look as close to how Peter looked in the hotel scene. He will also have a unique head for this release.
Kind of annoying that we have to wait til May for a Venkman, and when we finally get one, he is going to be extremely scene specific. Sounds like Mattel is really trying to milk this line.
Couldn't help but notice this one from Pendragon's Post;
There are a lot of International collectors that can't get some of the store exclusives, like Wave 10. Are there any plans to make the exclusives available for them? What about an international/European online shop?
Wave 10 will be available at Wal-Mart locations world wide.
I wonder if that includes UK's Wal-Mart owned ASDA chains?