A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Ask Mattel Answers for October 15


1.) Bambam asks: In DCUC wave 9, the blue Wildcat version was suppose to be the chase variant. Is this still true, or is the Wildcat ratio now 50/50? Are the Mantis figures 50/50, too?

Blue Wildcat is the chase figure. He is not 50/50.

2.) Baena asks: Is there any interest at Mattel or among the Horsemen for a “concept He-Man” in MOTUC? It could be as simple as a standard He-Man, but with a Viking helmet head?

Well we did include Demo-Man (prototype Skeletor as shown in the MOTU art book) in the bios, so it is possible that we may have plans for Vikor as well…

3.) Dayraven asks: Does Mattel have any say/input when it comes to the grade of plastic gets used? For example, the MOTUC Webstor had very different types of plastic for the hooks on his grappling hook vs the shaft of the same hook. Was the decision to use two different plastics for that in Mattel’s hands or the factory’s?

Mattel makes these choices.

4.) Barbecue17 asks: With the price increase taking effect with wave 11, many casual buyers and perhaps even collectors may be tempted to switch to lines which are less expensive and easier to find. What is Mattel planning on doing to add to the perceived value of these figures?

We have a great new theme for 2010. Wait and see!

5.) Dyl asks: Does Mattel have any interest in producing a line of figures based on the designs of the Batman: Arkham Asylum game? The designs are subtly different than the mainstream, and would be a nice alternative.

This is possible, but nothing is locked in right now.


Mattel’s Dream Halloween Art Show


Pic of the Day


  1. Nicholai

    Vikor would be cool.

  2. stewbacca

    There was a masters of the universe art book?

    Maybe it was sold the same place as the mythical Gleek?

  3. Heli


    Did the complaints get heard? I don't see a single stock answer here! There seems to be actual communication!

    Way to go, Mattel!

  4. George

    Wow they actually answered them all. And not too vaguely. Go Mattel!

  5. Reverend Ender

    Yeah, I amazed at the frank replies here. I LOVE how they are so terse though, as though Matty is grinding his teeth as he says "Mattel makes these choices." (grrrrrrrr).

    Great stuff, and actual info. I wonder what extras the "great new theme" will include, or if perhaps the "theme" is the extra and we can expect progressively less for our money.

  6. PresidentJuggernaut

    Hey, what's a few dollars more, as long as they have a great new theme…

  7. Thomas B

    for everyone that has given Mattel hell for the Q&As i tell them look here.

    i have to say the answers here are actually really great. each one gives a bit of insite or answers the question dead on.


    more of this please.

  8. The Flash III

    Maybe the theme is "less money in your pocket"?

    Seriously, it'll be interesting to see if they do some publicity with it or if we'll have to ask in a Q&A.

    Glad to see they are trying to answer, anyway. Thanks to Poe and Mattel.

  9. hank

    WOW.Great to get some answers from mattel instead of the usual non-answers.

  10. Poe

    I'd love a MOTUC Vikor.

  11. Thomas B

    i'd love a Vikor as well.

    has anyone noticed that pretty much ALL the Q&As have been better this round?

    they all seem to have pretty good direct answers like most wanted.

    i think this round should really encapsulate fans expectations of the Q&A sessions

  12. Barbecue17

    Yeah, definitely some better answers this time. I'm intrigued by their answer to my question, and I'm wondering if their answer is really an answer or not. If they come up with some awesome theme that does add value to the figures, then awesome. If not, at least they divulged some info.

  13. Thomas B

    i think the theme for next year is green lanterns or at least dif colored corps.

    it is win win.

    win for us because GL is popular and people want them.

    win for them because ALOT of the CORPS members are repaints with limited new tooling

  14. Dyl

    Wow, got a questioned answered 😀 Awesome!!!

    Not a clear cut answer, but enough for now 😀

  15. tenzing

    Arkham Asylum figures would be great as long as they preserve the DCUC scale :-/

  16. dayraven

    gotta say, i'm delighted this time around… not just to appease poe cuz he thinks we're whiners, they actually answered most of the questions asked this time around… and i just finished the grand tour of the "ask mattys" and they mostly answered everyone's questions.

    it hurts to do this, but.. kudos mattel.

    and yes, it was a tad fun to see them admit they're making this choice. in one of the other Q&A's, they mentioned that these decisions are to "help the accessories fit in the figures hand better." ok matty, but that's thin braddas. really thin. MAA sword is made of harder plastic than his club, and it fits in his hand VERY well. conversely, my webstor's hands must be horribly distended as the shaft of the hook just flops around in his grasp… while the swords and magickal staves of everyone else pretty much fit spot on.

    was glad to hear they're hooking adora up w/ looser duds than teela. nothing like hindsight, eh?

  17. Awesome!

    I was away all last week, so to come back and read up on the questions and get that Vikor response totally made my day! Thanks Poe and Toyguru! 😀

    Now I'm excited to see where Vikor falls into things!

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