A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Turtles, meet the Turtles

Topless Robot borrowed the Corn Sword Song from me, so I’m gonna borrow this–a clip from the new Turtles Forever special where the 1980s Ninja Turtles meet the 2003 Ninja Turtles (scheduled to air November 15).

Looks pretty funny, actually.


Happy Teela Day!


Mattel’s Dream Halloween Art Show


  1. MechaShiva

    Saw this before,Lol at 87 Leo's perma-grin.

  2. Dead Man Walking

    April's still got it!!

  3. Poe

    @Dead Man Walking: If by "it" you mean "a huge rack," then yes, that's very true.

  4. Dead Man Walking

    @Poe: Just meant hotness overall, but yes, a wonderfully huge rack too.

  5. Poe

    I agree the cartoon April O'Neil is hotter than any other incarnation of the character. Except maybe Paige Turco.

  6. Double Banana!!

  7. Kid Nicky

    I am so watching this.

  8. RageTreb

    This is also playing in select theaters October 29th.

  9. Nicholai

    April still has it indeed! I just wish they would have used better voices for the classic Turtles.

  10. Reverend Ender

    I will contribute to the conversation by adding my own, ahem, "April looks HAWT!"

    Also, this looks like a riot.

  11. Dead Man Walking

    @Poe: Yeah, Paige Turco was pretty, but didn't feel quite right for the role. Though she didn't quite have the look, I preferred the stronger performance from the 1st movie April.

  12. Thomas B

    can't wait!!! nerd brain…exploded all over

  13. Scott

    Should be fun, but I wish they could have used the 80s voices. I also wish they didn't give all of the turtles Michelangelo's personality.

  14. PrfktTear

    Were April's assets always that big?!?! (Goes and runs upstairs to throw in season 1 of TMNT…)

    The voices of the '80s Turtles sound like their turtle testicles finally dropped… (do turtles even have testicles?)


  15. Wes

    PrfktTear: Yes. Yes they were. đŸ˜€

    And yeah, I think they should've gotten ahold of all of the original voice actors (though I'm guessing they tried). And the old TMNT was goofy enough, so I don't know why they tried to exaggerate it!

    Here's hoping some of the original 'toon tunes make it in as well.

  16. It kind of reminds me of the episode of Justice League where they went to an alternate dimension and hung out with The Justice Guild.

    Looks awesome.

  17. Scott

    I read there was some sort of union or SAG rules that kept them from using the original voices. Some of the original music would be nice though.

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