A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day

Take to the Field by C. Moy


Real Ghostbusters: The Collect Call of Cthulhu


Show and Tell > Yard Yoda by MisterBigBo


  1. misterbigbo

    I loved me some Army Antz (was it with a "Z"?). I had the orange ones and my brother the blue. Thanks for the memory!

  2. Cobra1977 (cobra.cre

    Cool pic!

    Never loved these guys when I was a child, but they are part of my childhood. Here in Italy they were called "Kombattini" a sort of rip-off of "Exogini".. that was the italian version of M.U.S.C.L.E.

    For this, they bring good memories. ^^

  3. Mario

    I’d like to see them in hand today, if anything, to remind me why I loved them so much, but man did I ever love me some Army Ants.

    Yet another thing for me to check Ebay for. *sigh*

    Oh yes, good pic, too.

  4. Dead Man Walking

    I TOTALLY forgot about these guys. I had a few as a kid and I really liked them.

    Ah memories…

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