Before I forget, ToyFare #146 is out in stores this week, featuring an interview by yours truly with the head of Star Wars (non-figure) licensing at Lucas Licensing, Chris Spitale. It’s a Star Wars-themed issue.
Here’s the blurb from Fareplay:
Star Wars is Forever! So said the poster that used to hang on my bedroom wall, and that poster has proven to be incredibly prescient! Now, in a non-movie year, ToyFare checks in with the folks who make the Star Wars collectibles you love to find out what’s coming next. Plus, the chance to affect what’s coming next for yourself… Read on!
• Our amazing cover features the new Quarter Scale Darth Vader by Diamond Select Toys. Inside, find out how DST put this amazing new line together!
• The great Star Wars fan poll! Vote on upcoming collectibles from Hasbro, DST, FunKo, Kotobukiya and Gentle Giant!
• An exclusive preview of DK’s new Lego Star Wars Visual Dictionary!
• We chat with Lucas Licensing’s Chris Spitale and Star Wars collector Steve Sansweet to find out how these products get made, and what the craziest products ever have been!
• Behind the scenes of the new Clone Wars: Republic Commandos video game – we find out how Lucasarts works with the other branches to create a unified product!
• The latest Star Wars products fro Hasbro, Uncle Milton, Revell, Medicom, Sideshow and more!
Plus, totally non-Star Wars-related stuff!
• Retro feature: Exo-Squad. Whatever became of this beloved early-’90s toy line and cartoon?
• Twisted ToyFare Theatre: At long last…G.I. Joe Vs. Transformers. Or at least, some Joes and Cobras and Transformers Vs. other oes and Cobras and Transformers. Check it out for yourself!
• Plus, Incoming, Big Shots, Hot Plate and all the other usual goodies you know, love and crave on a monthly basis!
I wish they'd reboot the Star Wars LEGOs as the ones I'd be interested in like an X-Wing, AT-ST, or TIE Fighter (not counting Vader's TIE) are hard to find. All I ever see is the same prequel vehicles.
I'm with you on the Lego reboot – some Luke/Han/Vader rereleases would go down a treat (Luke's x-wing which I was too slow getting around to the first time) in this Clone-Wars stricken time.
Congrats Poe, I'll keep an eye out in the UK, may be tricky to find though!
Was that the poster you could get by sending in a proof of purchase seal?
I loved that poster. The flip side showing the entire vintage line was something I looked at every day until I left home.
Those Ultimate Quarter Scale figures are indeed lovely, but unfortunately they're also very breakable. 🙁
While you're at it, be sure to also read my story about Exo Squad in the very same issue! It's a Poe Ghostal/Poe Reader two-for-one!
I knew that was yours, Ben 🙂
look at you poesers go!!
Man, I need to get in another issue. Sadly, I've lost all my steam for Toy Fare I think.
I'll have to get this issue. Its been a while since I've picked up ToyFare. Usually I thumb through it at Newbury Comics though.
Speaking of ToyFare, I've been wondering this for a while. Does anyone else save their old issues? I have about two dozen or so going back several years. Its interesting to see what was coming out that we were all excited for, and whatever the "hottest" toys were too.
@PrfktTear I started collecting ToyFare since issue number 1. I recently bought the two previous special issues and kept each issue. I find they're fun to read to see what was hot, laugh at jokes which I've forgotten about and the interesting articles.
I'm looking forward to both articles … especially the Exo Squad one which I was a huge fan of – and hopefully the article mentions the recent DVD release of season 1 to generate interest in the remaining seasons!!
@Catnip: I find I get good mileage out of my magazines. I'll go back and read issues from years ago, whether its Rolling Stone, Time, or National Enquirer(jk!) and enjoy re-reading good articles. Magazines are great "time capsules".
I forget when I first started picking up Toy Fare, most likely back in 2002 when the MOTU2K line was coming out. I enjoy picking up the issue with 2002 He-Man(?) on the cover and the page shot of Skeletor, Beastman and Trap-Jaw with an interview of the Four Horsemen.
My collection of ToyFares go back at least to when I started writing for them…so 2004 or so. I did buy them back when they first started coming out in the late '90s, off and on.