While at the recent Wizard run Chicago Comic Con I went on a sort of frenzied spree buying old Playmates Star Trek figures. There were tons of them for five bucks or less, so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to finally check out these figures after missing all of them when they were originally released. A few of the figures came with customer response cards from Playmates, so I did what any rational person would do. I filled out one of the nearly ten year old surveys. After answering questions about my birth date and address I filled out the rest of the card. Here’s what I put:
1. Star Trek Product Purchased:
Riker action figure
2. Name of Store Where Purchased:
Chicago Wizard World
3. Heard about the product:
In a print ad/article (this is sort of true, blog was not an option)
4. Which Star Trek shows do you read regularly?
I checked all the options which where Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager.
5. Rank the shows below 1-4, with 1=Best:
1. The Next Generation, 2. Deep Space Nine, 3. Original Series, 4. Voyager
6. How would you rate yourself as a Star Trek Fan?
Somewhat loyal
7. How many Playmates’ Star Trek items do you own?
8. Who is your favorite Star Trek character?
9. What is your favorite Playmates’ Star trek item?
Next Generation Bridge
10. What other Star Trek figures or accessories would you like to see?
Bridge of the Defiant
Will I get updates and special offers from Playmates as the card indicates, perhaps even free toys? Will they release a bridge for the Defiant for a line that’s been canceled for many years? Who knows!? I’ll update you if I get any kind of response.
Thank you for boldly going where everyone else went five years ago.
Dude, they're going to put you on a list now.
And Cade, this is like from 15 years ago.
I have about 10 Playmates Trek figures in both 5-inch and 9-inch form. I'll send them to you free of charge if you want. These are extras and I need them out of my house.
I'll take the five inchers!
that's what she said!
(Chuck20, scintillating comments since 2008)
Thats pretty awesome! I have been tempted many times to do the same, especially with the DS9 related ones that could result in a walk-on role on DS9 or even the design-your-own-alien one. But alas… i never have actually gone for the gold that you now possess.
By the way, playmates 5" trek rules and I have a near complete collection! Long live character variety!!!
I have a Picard with fencing action that I got several years ago. I forget where I picked him up, most likely Big Lots or something.
On an unrelated note, I was watching Criminal Minds last night, and Wesley Crusher himself, Whill Wheaton was on playing some sort of serial rapist who ran a shady motel on the outskirts of Vegas and terrorized vacationing couples.
It's probably a great time to scoop up all of the rarities dirt cheap, if you're interested in becoming a completist. The 1,701 figures will set you back, but not in absurd amounts. The Geordi w/ removable visor and Thomas Riker figures probably still have some demand.
This is a great toy line of the 1990's that was killed because it became increasingly collector-focused over time.
At a local toy shop, I keep eyeing a "Fistful of Datas" 3-Pack with Worf, Alexander, and Data all in their Western get-up. I never really collected Playmates Trek figures, but being a Trek fan and an action figure collector, its just something that keeps calling out to me!
I used to have Picard and Geordie.
I saw that too, but I passed at the con.
I'm just trying to get as many of the main figures in standard outfits as possible. I think I only need a Season 1 Worf now, a couple of DS9 peeps, and Seven of 9 in her silver suit.
My brother and I were really into the Playmates Star Trek line when it first came out. Our interest petered out as we got all the main characters and Kenner's Star Wars line started up again, but we've gone back and got some of the cooler later figures when possible, like Sisko w/ goatee and the Jem'Hadar.