I’ve resisted the urge to post every mildly amusing geek-related video I come across–and I’m sure 99% of you have already seen this–but it was too amazing not to post. That’s one hell of a cast.
I’ve resisted the urge to post every mildly amusing geek-related video I come across–and I’m sure 99% of you have already seen this–but it was too amazing not to post. That’s one hell of a cast.
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Ive seen it like 20 times. It gets better every time.
Wish this was the movie cast.
So amazing.
I will admit, Destro's costume looks the most foolish but otherwise… it's absolutely incredible.
Ho. Ly. Crap.
That was awesome!
Newton Gimmick
That was incredible! WOW. Coolest thing I've ever seen.
They even got the Sarge to do a cameo!
I've never seen that. The Destro/Baroness scene was excellent and this is an ideal use for Chuck Liddell's time now that he's "retired."
Dead Man Walking
Damn! Olivia Wilde is an even HOTTER Baroness than Sienna Miller.
Yep, someone get this guy's casting list to the Producers of the Next Joe explosion fest "GIJoe:the rise in fan-boys shorts" cos she is too hot.
Dark Angel
Overwhelming. I think I experienced my first true nerd-gasm.
Also, the Mindbender/Gung-Ho thing? Strangely sad and moving!
Was that Julianne Moore playing Scarlett? (I'm watching it on my mates phone so its hard to see)
Dark Angel
…yes, it is.
Partial cast, from Topless Robot:
• Alexis Bledel as Lady Jaye
• Billy Crudup as Zartan
• Zach Galifiankais as Snow Job
• Tony Hale as Dr. Mindbender
• Vinnie Jones as Destro
• Joey Kern as Tomax and Xamot
• Chuck Liddell as Gung Ho
• Julianne Moore as Scarlett
• Henry Rollins as Duke
• Alan Tudyk as Shipwreck
• Olivia Wilde as The Baroness
I was always a fan of the Dr. Smoov video, DESTRO featuring The Baroness- "Get Money"
So that's the other half of the battle.
Knowing: 50%
Music Video Montage: 50%
I can sleep at night now.
Henry Rollins as Duke? badass
The cast is impressive, but you have to wonder: Julianne Moore seriously had nothing better to do with her time? Most everyone else I can understand throwing in for this for one reason or another, but Julianne Moore?
She's a big fan of GI Joe? Or she wanted a piece of Rollins.
Newton Gimmick
It's not that big of a deal. FunnyorDie gets all kinds of celebs. Big names, high level actors, etc. Moore probably did it for the same reasons others have.