A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Flock of Moss

More from Mattycollector on the Moss Man problem:

Thanks to so many fans for chiming in over the weekend on the Moss Man issue. As you know, those damn laws of physics just won’t let the flocking work on a figure that is so articulated. We did see some cool fan photo-shopped images of a partial flocked Moss Man and a repainted Moss Man with more paint ops to the face and hands. Both are interesting options. Remember these are fan images, not official images from Mattel of actual product.

Let us know what you think here on my Facebook page and on fan sites such Actionfigureinsider.com, He-Man.org and Fwoosh.com (among others). We’ll check back on Monday to see what everyone has to day! [sic]

Evidently we’re just not going to be able to get the figure fully flocked. I think the partial flocking is the best solution, as long as it can be done well–that is, the flocking sort of fades at the edges, rather than looking like a thick piece of topsoil glued to his thighs or whatever. That’s probably my preferred choice at this point.

Thoughts everyone?




Pic of the Day > Egon w/ custom PKE meter


  1. I don't see how Mattel will make it fade at the edges. It's going to look like glued on sod-patches just like 200x.

    The paint ops options will probably need a slight resculpt on the head. I could be wrong, but I doubt there are any sculpted details under there.

  2. misterbigbo

    The fans who made those 'shops ought to get a nice reward from Matty for doing their work for them.

  3. Poe

    @MBB: Agreed.

  4. Ben

    I say whatever they have to do to keep the most flocking w/o jeopardizing the articulation is the way to go. Partial flocking is best, I guess. I am, however, puzzled as to why they decided to unveil a figure that they couldn't make. One would think that type of thing would be sorted out first.

  5. Scott

    They have 7 months until it's scheduled to be released and they said they weren't expecting this problem.

  6. Thomas B

    7 months till we can BUY it….

    that means they really only have a month or less to work out the kinks really since production time is pretty long.

  7. Poe

    One possibility is that they didn't have too much trouble flocking one prototype using some sort of hand-made method, but when it came time to producing it in a factory they ran into a problem.

    That's not meant to excuse them–just a guess as to what happened. This is definitely an issue they should have looked into before announcing the figure.

  8. Thomas B

    think about hpw far in advance we see carded figures on ebay. that is usually 2 months before they even go on sale.

    in takes prob 1-2 months just to MAKE them and package them.

    you have to buy the raw materials and design packaging(like the back of cards and the inner packaging) that is 1-2 months.

    so they need a bunch of lead time.

  9. dayraven

    so, i can not help but say, my favorite solution hasn't really been discussed… pull moss man and completely resculpt him!! clearly, the flocking is a problem for the articulation… so sweat. but extra painting beast man just gives you green beast man w/ soul patches… still not a solution…

    i vote complete resculpt and let the horsemen go wild… and perhaps satisfy we swamp thing fans who can't get satsifaction in dcuc these days…

  10. Fengschwing

    Again, at least they seem to be asking our opinions and so far, listening to us.

    Too much to wish for a leaf to be turned over?

  11. Mark

    For Mossman to be a Classic he needs to share Beastman's parts.

  12. Nicholai

    I really don't have a lot of nostalgic memories for Moss Man so if he isn't flocked at at least partially I'll pass on him.

  13. Poe

    It would help if we knew what the nature of the problem they're having is. Are the hinged joints rubbing together too much? That would be my guess–I'm willing to bet the hinged joints are the sticking point (so to speak).

    EDIT: Oh wait, we do. (I hate having to search for ToyGuru's posts…wish they could put a list of them up somewhere.)

  14. Partially flocked works for me.

  15. I still think the JonWes version is the answer. I'm going to beat it to death saying it too. I'm not sure I'm going to rag on Mattel and say "they can't do that" because all the other options look HIGHLY photoshopped to me.

    I'd still rather have a poorly done JonWes version with Flocking than a damned green Beastman.

  16. Poe

    Which one is the JonWes one? The partially-flocked one?

  17. JediCreeper

    eh.. partial flocking is fine, there is no reason to limit the articulation… but he needs SOME flocking. I really don't know why this is so hard for them…

  18. @Poe: Yeah the JonWes one is the version with the "spot flocking". That's his mock-up posted above.

    It seems to be the overall choice of most fans. Hopefully Mattel can get it done.

  19. finkrod

    Yeah, I think the one Gimmick is talking about looks the best. It looks fine with the flock applied to the areas that grow hair on a (hirsute) man.

  20. I am positively flabbergasted that Mattel actually looked at those photos, internalized them, and responded in a relevant AND positive manner, and not with some useless corporate claptrap. Also that flabbergasted has 2 B's.

    Clearly partial flocking is the way to go. Is it just me, or did the ads for the original Moss Man seem to indicate that he could stick to trees and such? I remember being under this impression as a child, and being very disappointed when he wouldn't stick to anything. Does anyone else have a similar or corroborating memory?

  21. Josh

    This might be a stupid question but is there a definitive release schedule for MOTUC at this point? I've looked around a bit but haven't been to find anything that seems reliable. I really want to get involved in the line in a more serious way but, what with money being so damn illusive, some careful planning would certainly help.

  22. Poe


    NoisyDVL5 has you covered:

    Matty Release Calendar

    MOTUC Checklist

  23. PrfktTear

    @Josh: Unless you're independently wealthy, carefull planning is almost required. For instance, in Sept, there's only Webstor, but in Oct there's Teela, Bonus figure Zodak, and Ghostbusters Ray Stanz… so thats $60 right there not counting S&H! I actually have a spreadsheet set up with the release dates and how much money I need to set aside!

  24. clark

    Go with the partially flocked figure, that is the best way to get a highly articulated, yet very nostalgic, figure.

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