I love you, ME GRIMLOCK KING! By Poe On July 16, 2009 In News Today’s awesomest T-shirt ever: Transformers Previous Show and Tell > Meet the Raisins Next Family Guy gets uncancelled — again. 5 Comments Frogster That's great! Where did you find that? July 16, 2009 Poe Great White Snark pointed me to it–you can find the original link here. I don't think you can actually buy it, though. July 16, 2009 PrfktTear For the Win! It took me a moment to recognise Barney… I just figured, "hey look, a cutesy Grimlock, big deal…" July 16, 2009 monkey boy oh you BETTER be able to buy it…who would torment the interweb of nerds by showing such a shirt if it were NOT available for purchase! July 16, 2009 PrfktTear the same people who made a Tauntaun Sleeping Bag? July 16, 2009
That's great! Where did you find that?
Great White Snark pointed me to it–you can find the original link here. I don't think you can actually buy it, though.
For the Win! It took me a moment to recognise Barney… I just figured, "hey look, a cutesy Grimlock, big deal…"
monkey boy
oh you BETTER be able to buy it…who would torment the interweb of nerds by showing such a shirt if it were NOT available for purchase!
the same people who made a Tauntaun Sleeping Bag?