A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day – Leonardo & Hellboy by Poe Ghostal

Leonardo & Hellboy by Poe Ghostal

Poe’s note: Despite these figures being based on the styles of two very different artists, I think they look really good next to each other. The paint applications match particularly well, and I think the scales are fairly accurate (Leo’s 4′ tall and Hellboy’s 7′ tall in the comics).


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  1. Mario

    Man, these are made for each other! I do not know what I was thinking when I decided "pass" on that Hellboy.

    My brain was functioning properly when the Turtles came out, though.

  2. I've been wondering what they look like together. I did a figure comics with the animated Hellboy and the NECA TMNT.

    I may have to try these two together.

  3. Ronnie

    Heh. I'd think Red would get along better with Raph, but that may be me equating like with like. XD

  4. Mario

    @ NG: Where can one check out these comics of yours?

  5. Cobra1977 (cobra.cre


    you're deep into Hellboy in these days ^__^

  6. finkrod

    Ha! Poe's a Hellboy noob.

  7. Poe

    @Finkrod: That's a joke, right? 😉

  8. finkrod

    I thought you said you started reading Hellboy after the first movie?

  9. Poe

    Sure, but I've done an awful lot of reading since then…there was a time when I was known as "the Hellboy guy" at my local comic shop.

  10. I bought a coated comic Hellboy (with the Japanese heads) off ebay two days ago. It hasn't arrived yet obviously, so I can only ask why must you taunt me so, Mr. Ghostal?

  11. The Flash III

    Doesn't Leonardo wear the blue mask? Maybe they all wear red for the series or it's a Star-Trek-like shuffling of colors.

  12. dayraven

    the turtles didn't get color coded masks until the cartoon series… prior to that, every one wore the red mask. but kids are simple, so both the green of the skin and the masks were changed to make it easier for kids to distinguish the turtles from one another.

    the neca turtles are definitely from the mirage comics era, not the cartoon.

  13. Digby

    i think the turtles fit in with any line really well just because they're turtles… mine are battling my street fighters

    and i really need that coat

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