A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Poe’s Point > Time to Come Clean

As you all are aware, I’ve been suffering from some burnout lately, and it’s affected the site somewhat. While there are a number of reasons for the burnout, there’s a particular issue related to the website itself. The truth is, I’ve lost a lot of my interest in DC Universe Classics.

This shouldn’t be taken as a criticism against the toy line itself, although the upcoming price hike would have forced me to re-evaluate collecting the line anyway. It’s really just a natural change of interest (for instance, for whatever reason, recently I’ve become more into Hellboy and horror toys).

I’m still committed to providing you with plenty of DCUC information here on the site, and your MOTUC and other toy news will remain unchanged (and I may focus on Ghostbusters a little more closely, as I’m starting to get really excited about that line). Where this will most cause an issue for the site is reviews. Since I’m not as interested in DCUC, I won’t be collecting many of the figures, and therefore, I won’t be able to review them.

As of right now, all the reviews on this website have been my own. So the question becomes: would you rather I simply review whatever other toys I’m buying, or would you be interested in reading Poe-approved guest reviews?

I have mixed feelings on guest reviews. I know I tend to be less interested in guest reviews on Michael Crawford‘s site (despite having written a number of them myself). I realize that’s unfair, too, since a good number of the guest reviewers are quite good. But after reading hundreds of MC’s reviews, I’ve come to know where my own likes and dislikes and those of MC’s converge and diverge, so I have a good sense of how much I’d like a particular figure when I read one of his reviews.

However, other sites–such as OAFE–already have a number of different reviewers, rendering the “guest” review issue moot.

And finally, there’s one more thing to consider. While I recognize how popular the reviews on this site are (judging from the Web traffic), I don’t really consider this a review website; reviewing is just one more feature I do, and that only occasionally. The regularity of my DCUC reviews were owing solely to the fact that I was buying them, rather than any systematic effort (you’ll note there are no reviews of variants I was uninterested in, like unmasked Batman Beyond or classic Sinestro).

However, perhaps you don’t all share my feelings on guest reviews. Furthermore, if I open up the site to guest reviews, it would allow for reviews of stuff other than whatever I happen to be interested in–such as G.I. Joe, Transformers, more NECA stuff, and so forth.

So let me put it to a vote, or rather, a poll (see the sidebar). Once again, you can help determine the future of PGPoA.

Again, let me reiterate: my loss of interest in DCUC is just a natural change, unreflective of the relative quality of the line. I’m more fickle than some of you, I realize that (and much, much less fickle than some others, too). And I think–or at least hope–I’ve managed to develop this website enough that you come here for more than just one particular toyline.

Whatever happens, I want to thank you all for being such a great community. OB1 and I are working on a couple new features for the website to reward your participation (here’s where I’d add “stay tuned!” if I didn’t absolutely loathe that phrase).


It Figures #39 (via Scary-Crayon.com)


Show and Tell > Paul’s Batmania


  1. PrfktTear

    Same Poe time… Same Poe channel! 😉

  2. clark

    Guest reviews are fine because I can pretty much tell from the pictures whether or not I'm going to like a figure. The main things I look for in reviews are QC issues and to see if there is some articulation I didn't know about.

  3. I think its a great idea as it will appeal to more peoples interests.

    Their is no shame in losing interest in a line.

  4. Drunken Fist

    I do a ton of reviews, and many of them don't get posted on my own b log because I don't want to inundate it with toy reviews. I'd be glad to send some your way if you're willing to post them on here.

    I feel bad for you for losing interest in DCUC. I've lost interest in lines a couple of times, only to wind up coming back to them awhile later, and having a hell of a time catching up. Of course, that's just me , and that probably won't happen to you. That was just the first thought I had when I read this.

  5. Poe, if you're feeling guilty about not being into DCUC I wouldn't be. I've fallen in and out of love with G.I. Joe and Star Wars so many times I can't count. I just switch to something else or take a break.

    In the case of the blog, I just try to come up with other stuff to write about even if it's just news rehashes. I think that guest reviews should be fine as long as they have the Poe stamp of approval.

  6. Nicholai

    I'd be glad to read guest reviews as long as they are well written since DCUC is my real only toy collection and it is what brought me here originally I'd like to keep reading about it here.

  7. If you have guest reviews, you should try to get regular ones. Then people will know the reviewers after a while and it'll be the same difference.

    I'm with you on DCUC, I fell out of it a few series ago and I had planned to catch up and get back in, but with so many issues I'm not sure if I will get back into it or not.

  8. David

    I fell out of JLU a while ago (for several reasons I won't get into) so I understand your sense of duality on the matter as I had invested alot into the line. But I think most of us like other stuff on the site besides the reviews. And I agree with Paul about the "Poe-stamp-of-approval," we want people who can be coherert.

    Just please don't drop the "Show-and-Tell" feature, I really enjoy the odds and ends from people's collections (and why they like them so much) and I have a few I want to send myself!

  9. PresidentJuggernaut

    Don't feel bad about being burnt out on DCUC. They've given you plenty of reasons, and you dig yourself a hole when you focus too much on one toyline anyway.

    As long as you don't let any old fool guest review, it will be fine. MWC puts up some of questionable quality.

  10. tudortiger2000

    I'm a toy selector here in the Philippines, and believe it or not, I rely on various reviews before buying a specific toy. Though a person may have varying interest in the toy they collect, (or select, as in my case), it would be great to have "well written, unbiased (is that even possible?)" reviews of different toys for us to consider. Your site is a great source of toy news and reviews and it'll be great to have more of those to come. More power dude!

  11. jeff khaw

    Don't feel too bad about DCUC, the line is too pricey! so-so paint, shitty accessories, the only good was the horse men sculpt and good articulation. I miss toybiz….

  12. nerdbot

    Bring on the Hellboy, etc.!

    I think you should follow your interests for the site, Poe. If, in addition to that, you would like to accept reviews from others for lines you are less into – that's cool too. Trust your instincts. Follow your toy muse, so to speak.

    I don't visit the site for reviews, specifically (and certainly not reviews of one particular line) – or any other single aspect, for that matter. I enjoy the mix of coverage, news items, reviews (even of toys that I am not into), pics of the day and other features that often look at cool vintage toys, and so on. What keeps me coming back is that there is always something interesting going on (and a good conversation happening amongst the Poesters). As long as the site is created and/or curated by you, I'm sure it will stay that way.

  13. The Flash III

    I've enjoyed the action figure reviews, but not just the DCUC ones. I'm a big DCUC fan and it's the only line I collect, so I can understand not being interested in certain figures. I think we'd all be okay with any reviewers you trust and maybe some of us Poesters could clank out a bearable review if you can't find one person. And if you can't find anyone for DCUC reviews, there are other places to find them–just don't skimp on the DCUC updates.

    We all come here because it's the joy of action figure collecting, news, discussion, and debate–so don't burn yourself out for God's sake–do articles and reviews that you have fun doing.

  14. dayraven

    like others here have expressed, go w/ what you like poe… no offense, but we have many options as toy collectors looking for websites… we come here cuz we're poesers!! so you're getting into horror toys? share that w/ us!! you like hellboy? so do i, bring it on big man!!

    if dcuc isn't floating your boat, that's fine, it's not poe ghostal's DC fansuckFest site. no biggie to me.

    as far as guest reviews… as long as they're up to your quality standards (and i'd consider setting up a template for reviewers to use to everybody is grading in the same scale on the same general categories) put 'em up… there's nopthing i like better than stumbling across a review for a great toy i've never heard of!!

  15. I feel the same way about Crawford's guest reviews, despite also having written a couple myself; you can almost always tell from the top photo, even if it's high quality, that it's not going to be a Crawford review. Some of the guest reviews are great, but I'm always disappointed when it isn't from Crawford himself.

    Moving on…

    Honestly, one of my least favorite aspects of your site is that so much focus is placed on just two or three toy lines, added to which nearly every goddamn toy site you visit boasts reviews, so it wouldn't be a huge loss to me if you abandoned them completely. (Not least because, while I love Michael Crawford's site so much it's practically my home page, I get discouraged that nearly every toy "critic" follows his same format; it's similar to the way every wannabe wrestling critic copies Scott Keith's style.)

    You shouldn't feel compelled to do anything for your audience, 'cause the more you follow your muse, the more that will be reflected in the quality of your posts; if you enjoy yourself, it will come across in the product.

    Hell, such was my disappointment at having slowly catered my dumb blog to what I thought other people would want it to be that I eventually scrapped all written components on my blog entirely; I even eliminated user comments, 'cause I realized EVERY blog has them, and mine was one of many that seldom produced more than three or four replies per post, and no disrespect to my pals but those replies seldom added much to the posts…

    My long-winded point is that it is better to do this kind of thing for yourself than for anyone else, so for my money, screw the reviews, just present your giddiness about Hellboy (and whatever replaces him eventually) in whatever format and context and medium brings you pleasure.

  16. Couldn't you do both? You could review other things you're buying now, and put up well written guest reviews of various things.

  17. Guest reviews are always fun, if only because it gives us a look at things from another point of view. I say go for it.

  18. Poe,

    You gotta go with what you feel is best! I fall in and out of toylines all the time. This time last year, I was tearing through Joes and just today I mailed most of them off to a guy who bought them from me.

    Just follow your instincts (it's worked out great so far) and keep up the good work.

    Oh, and I LOVE Hellboy figures. That comic line, though short, is one of the best overall toylines in recent memory. I just wish there were more.

  19. Santo

    not to sound like a lemming..(did i spell that right) but with alot of a-listers out of the way , running out of space , the fact that it's been almost 3 months since i ordered my wave 8 online and i have yet to see these at retail , the price hike , g.i.joes staring at me with all the fun vehicles and playsets , gleek and the lack of a martian manhunter…i've lost some intrest

    i have my list , but im done being a completist…i did that with marvel legends , wound up with people like longshot and mojo wtf?…its bad enough i have a vigilate figure and i've never seen him in my life until that figure came out

  20. outburst

    I think guest reviews 'could' be a good move. You'll have to carefully select the reviewer(s) but as far as I'm concerned, the more content, the better.

  21. Motorthing

    I think as long as the quality you have established on your site is maintained then I am unworried and will keep coming back.

    The heavy focus on DCUC proably accounts for a lot of the traffic that comes here but having just stared Wave 8 in the face in Forbidden Planet and decided to buy NONE of them due to the frankly-mad price they are at over here then I totally understand the burn-out.

    Very few of the Characters coming up are that essential (Green Arrow and Deadshot aside)to me and when they finally release the Batman we all want and a Martian Manhunter then I'm pretty much done on what I need from DCUC anyway.

  22. I don't think you should feel obligated to keep getting DCUC (or any other line) just because a review or commentary is expected. Get what you get, and that'll be enough. Even though I've not huge on horror toys, I confess I'm curious to see where that goes, since I'm not even sure what's out there currently…

  23. dwaltrip

    Pretty much like everyone else has said, go with what you are into. We all have been huge into a line only to find ourselves having no interest in it later….thats how it goes.

    As far as putting less DCUC content on here…..I am probably one of the few people that come to your site that does not collect DCUC. So even while you had geared your site to a lot of DCUC stuff, I still found your site very interesting. So if you switch to content other that DCUC, Im sure the DCUC folks will still find plenty of intereting stuff here other than DCUC. If that makes any sense.

  24. chuck20

    Hells to the yes I would love to see guest reviews on the site. Hell, I'd like to write some if you'll let me.

  25. finkrod

    Poe, you rotten son of a…No seriously, guest reviews would be fine. Like others have said, it's really the pictures that sell the toys. The reviews are just icing.

    Now how you could become less interested in DCUC and more in Ghostbusters is beyond me, but there's no accounting for taste I suppose.

  26. DankOne

    Guest reviews are cool with me. I think it will make the site all the more robust. But I will miss your DCUC review style.

  27. My three cents….

    What Monte said. Allow the site to follow your personality, and you'll always be happier.

    As to guest reviews, you have two choices: a) select only a handful of people, and don't accept reviews from outside that group or b) do what I do, and allow anyone to have a voice, no matter if English is a second language, whether their photos are perfect, or whether they are special needs (and yes, some are, and you have no idea how thrilled they are to see their writing online). I went with number 2 (heheheh, I said 'number 2') because I'm a big fan of free speech, and feel that the 'net is where anyone should have the ability to voice their feelings, even if they aren't the best at it. I like being able to give them a place with an audience to do that.

    Doing it that way also opens you up to a lot of different tastes and reviews, and I'm pretty proud that a lot of folks – including Poe and Monte – were early contributors.

    However, that does mean the quality is up and down, so you just have to accept that. I've been recently considering abandoning the guest review concept as it is now, and just picking five or six key folks, but that's still in the thought process.

    What you don't want to do – and I can't stress this enough – is allow anyone to submit a review but then pick and choose. If you want to maintain a certain level of 'quality', then you really need to stick with a few reviewers you select up front. Allowing anyone to submit but only picking those that get your gold seal is only going to piss the others off, and it won't take long to get a reputation you don't want.

  28. izdawiz

    Only the Poe should use the ravens. Guest reviews are fine as long as they have high quality pics. Maybe you could make the guest reviews a different format where they are picture-heavy and prose light. That way if they are poorly written you can edit the heck outy of them.

  29. Matthew K

    I agree with the 'blog about what you like' sentiments. Ignore the rest.

  30. izdawiz

    I would be burned out of DCUC tooif I didn't pick and choose my figures. Last wave there were 9 figures including variants and I chose 3. Th eones that weren't basically standard superhero body with a different head. But the fun part is trying to put together the BAF by trading with other folks and helping them find BAF pieces they might need.

    So far I only have Giganta's head, left arm, right arm & left leg. Will I be able to finish her?

    I don't know, but I've finished every BAF so far (including Foom) even though I rarely buy more than two, maybe three figures in a wave.

  31. Wes

    Poe: I admit that I've come to think of your site as the place for info on Mattel's current lines, but I wouldn't at all mind reading reviews of what you're buying now! But then, I have no problem with and would very much enjoy reading (and submitting on occasion…? 🙂 ) guest reviews as well.

  32. Poe,

    Don't limit yourself to a single toy line, especially DCUC seeing as all those follow the standard form:

    Figure uses [ ]normal male [ ] small male, [ ] female body.

    Figure looks like comic source [ ] true [ ] false.

    Quality control issues (you may pick more than one) [ ]paint [ ] stuck joints [ ] bent limbs [ ] impossible to find [ ] wal-mart exclusive.

    The site is called PoeGhostal.com, make it about what you want it to be. If you want others to help review, go for it. I started reading this blog after getting addicted to OAFE so I've come to expect a wide and varied selection of reviews.

  33. PrfktTear

    As much as I enjoy the toy reviews, I come here for the overall entertainment value and the interactions between us collectors. Yes, the reviews do come into play with that, however I enjoy the "Poe's Points" and "Q&A With Mattel" "It Figures" and "Pic of the Day" posts just as much. If I wanted to read about DCUC there are a dozen other sites which cover the lines, but I don't really go looking for DCUC reviews because I figured I'd always read them here.

    There is something that can be said about valuing Poe's opinion. I've been reading his stuff since before PGPoA over into the early days of OAFE. I first got into DCUC because of his reviews of Wave 1, that and a sale at a LCS. Of course, this was before I knew they were available at Target. I first bought DCUC01 Batman & Penguin, but from there had to pick up Orion, Red Tornado, & Etrigan!

    Whatever he decides to do I fully support! Afterall, this is something he should be doing for fun first and foremost. Whether its collecting a line or writing reviews, if its not fun, then why do it? Its simple as that.

  34. Dark Angel

    Poe, at the end of the day, it's really your call. However, I do have a suggestion: You've got a really excellent group of folks commenting here…and with very articulate, nuanced voices…maybe some of them would be willing to sign up as your stable of reviewers/whatever. After all, you are already doing that to some degree with the guest columns…

  35. Guest reviews are A-OK. Maybe one day I will get off my ass enough to do my own reviews and contribute. Although if they hike the price on DCUC, I will be hard-pressed to justify buying any more.

  36. HarmsWay

    Your reviews do not really matter as much as you may think, Poe. Any review that we read on any of these many geek-sites is just one guy's opinion. Are you starting to become too self-important? I mean, really. Do you think that we're hanging on every word you write? You're no authority on action figures. So just get over yourself. Besides, as you pointed out, Michael Crawford's site is available. He's much more thorough and entertaining than you will ever be. So why bother? And as for news, we have AFI and the Fwoosh, and so many others. You might as well shut this whole thing down completely and get yourself a real life.

  37. PrfktTear

    Woah dude, everyone's entitled to their opinion, but why such hostility? If you don't like it here, you can simply move on. There are those of us who appreciate what Poe is doing here.

    I've always enjoyed Poe's reviews; and I've come to trust his opinions. I don't usually put a lot of stock in what other people have to say, I'm going to make up my own mind as to whether or not I want a piece of plastic, but its nice to get a trusted opinion. If you like Michael Crawford or YoGoRe or whatever you get on AFI or TNI, good for you. I happen to like this guy’s.

    I'm not sure how you can get off saying he's no authority on action figures. Anyone can be an "authority" on action figures, its not like claiming to be the foremost Proust scholar. But he's been writing about them for at least a decade if not longer, not to mention he's been published in ToyFare, is a founder of OAFE, and has reviewed for MC, so yeah; I'd say he's got some credibility in this area. Not to mention the fact that he can actually write, so even though occasionally I have to hit up the dictionary I don’t feel like I’m reading something written for a second grader.

    As for news, yeah, there’s AFI and Fwoosh, but there’s just so much news its nice to have someone out there filter out all the crap. Sure, it’s only what he thinks is important, but when you come to a site named Poe Ghostal’s Points of Articulation; you’re coming here for Poe Ghostal. Do I worship him or hang on to every single word he says? No, I do from time to time disagree with him, but whatever. This is a toy site, if you don’t like it, or the web master, or the Poesters, then feel free to make like a tree and GTFO.

  38. Ant

    I'm pretty much a poester now, so i'll read whatever ou put up. i loved your DCUC reviews and the great photos you put up of them, and they really affected whether or not i'd buy them, but i can look for other sites for that stuff. as spock prime says, do what feels right

  39. Woah, Harmsway, way to be a total dick for no reason.

    I agree with PrfktTear on every point. Poe has street cred opposed to someone like me who points at things and says, "So pretty!".

    The reason I go to any blog for toy news or reviews is because of the PERSONALITY of the blogger, not to mention the quality of the writing. If I want straight up news I can go to a lot of other places.

  40. finkrod

    @HarmsWay: Go home, yer mammys calling. If you don't like the scenery, STFUOGTFO.

  41. PrfktTear

    @FinkRod: LOL-ERCOPTER

  42. Wes Grogan

    Yo Poe, you keep writing and I'll keep showing up. Whether it's DCUC reviews or anything else, follow your interest and I'll be able to at least give it a shot and see if I'm interested as well. Forget people like HarmsWay and do what works for you. Always the best way to go.

  43. Scott

    The way I see it, this site is primarily for Poe's entertainment (not sure that's exactly the right word, but you should get the idea). He should do whatever he wants. The moment he starts writing about things he doesn't care about, the whole thing becomes a chore.

    For everyone else, if you're interested in whatever topic Poe is writing about, read it. If you're not, don't. It's that simple.

  44. A dozen different sites can have a dozen different points of view on reviews and even the news. I like reading different sites, even if they review the exact same thing, for that very reason.

    Sites that post press releases without comment aren’t any fun. Part of what I like about this site is Poe’s personality and thoughts; I can’t get that if Poe is burned out and stops updating the site. If getting guest reviewers — and reviews of anything Poe likes — keeps the site something Poe can continue updating and be passionate about then that’s a good thing.

  45. finkrod

    Like Mr. Reed says, I can get news anywhere. What I like is people giving their honest opinion on toys, without a bunch of hyperbole.

  46. Templar

    POE, do NOT be bothered by the comments from HarmsWay…..as I've said before, we can all agree to disagree here; still I don't know why this person would slag you off like that ??!! In the end, you keep on doing what you love, and we'll still appreciate any interesting bit you can share with your signature wit, candor & enthusiasm……..

  47. Dark Angel

    OMG, Poe! You have your very own troll! This is a really big moment in the life of a website, y'know… 😉

  48. Poe

    Thanks all for your support (except for HarmsWay, I suppose, but hey, he’s entitled to his opinion).

    I guess I thought there would be more support for DCUC, but maybe I’m just getting off the bandwagon at the same time as everyone else.

    As for guest reviews, I’ll start mulling it over, but I think right now what I’m leaning toward is choosing a handful of people to do regular reviews (probably of a specific line). If that’s something you think you’d be interested in, feel free to shoot me an email.

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