A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

DCUC Fan Poll 2009

The Question will be out sometime late this year or early 2010, and in the meantime, ToyFare and Mattel present the next DCUC Fan Poll. The poll should go online sometime this month.

Here are the contenders for your vote:

  • Raven
  • Uncle Sam
  • Geo-Force
  • Toyman
  • Captain Marvel, Jr.
  • Libra

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that Toyman’s going to win, with Raven as a potential dark horse.


Spengler? I hardly know ‘er


It Figures #39 (via Scary-Crayon.com)


  1. VinMan

    The winner here will be Captain Marvel Jr…

    I love him! He is my favorite!!

  2. The Flash III

    No character named anything junior should win. I think it'll be Raven or Toyman.

  3. Ant

    I'd love a Cap jnr, i hope they do the blue and white, to make him diff, not the red and yellow one he's got now

  4. finkrod

    I'd vote Captain Marvel Jr., but he's got no chance at all of winning. And as a side note, this is a pretty crappy list. Still no Ambush Bug or Brain Storm.

    I'm going with Poemosexual here, Toyman and Raven.

  5. Nicholai

    I'd like Toyman to win (so I can add more Supes villains) but I think Raven will have this one in the bag.

  6. Poe

    Poemosexual? I'm trying to figure out if I was just insulted…

  7. The Flash III

    I think these fan polls are characters they're not sure they will do or not–the fringes. Hopefully Ambush Bug is a "for sure" choice that they're planning on doing down the line. If Raven wins, hopefully they'll put together a good female sculpt so she doesn't turn out like Starfire.

  8. PresidentJuggernaut

    It's probably futile,but I'm definitely voting Uncle Sam.

  9. I´d vote Raven, for the rise of the titans

  10. Valo487

    I just think it's funny that in the last Q+A I asked about Toyman, and they definitely said they had nothing to announce yet. I don't expect them to tell us exactly what's going on in the Q+A's, but a simple "Stay tuned…" would have told us to expect some form of news without telling us anything concrete until they're ready. Just a thought.

  11. eric

    Im for Toyman all the way!!!!!!!!

  12. finkrod

    @Poe: No insult intended. Sometimes I just lapse into jive talk, sorry.

  13. Captain Marvel Jr.

  14. Fengschwing

    A completely uninspiring choice of characters, in my opinion at least.

    I'd go with Raven, just to edge closer to a full compliment of Titans.

    Uncle Sam would just be a re-tool of Gentleman Ghost.

    Where's Jack Knight? As much as I like The Question, I still can't believe Starman didn't win last time.

  15. PresidentJuggernaut, you're not alone; if they could make him look like the Steve Darnall/Alex Ross version, I'd LOVE to have an Uncle Sam figure.

  16. JPL

    Toyman gets my vote, but I wonder which version of the character the Horsemen would make? The early version of the character with the purple suit, the way the character looked on SuperFriends, or the creepy masked one from the Superman cartoon that aired during the 90s.

  17. RageTreb

    Toyman will be a shoe-in since he's the last member of the Legion of Doom we need from DCUC, but I REALLY want Uncle Sam.

  18. finkrod

    If throught some miracle Captain Marvel Jr. gets the nod, do they have to package him as 'Shazam Jr.'? I don't know how all that lawyery stuff works.

  19. dr. phil

    cmjr. sucks. geo force all the way

  20. finkrod

    Geo Force? I thought that was a car.

  21. Scott

    The DC Direct Captain Marvel Jr was called Captain Jr.

    I think these polls should be for obscure characters. There's no reason Toyman, Raven, or Cap Jr need to be in a poll in order to be made.

  22. finkrod

    I wish Marvel would just let the name go. Nothing they've ever done with it was of any use.

  23. They would bebetter making Isis.

  24. Wes

    I'd vote for Toyman, but there's just no way Mattel's version would displace the DC Direct Justice Toyman in my eyes… especially with the rampant part reuse in DCUC. My vote'll go to Raven.

  25. Santo

    raven has been on my wish list , but somewhere on the lower part was a toyman ( just go mantis on him and 50/50 superfriends and superman tas versions ) …libra and geo-force can suck it , i wouldnt mind a cap jr…but the idea of having a uncle sam seems fun to me

  26. Fengschwing

    Toyman really gets the love doesn't he? I can't see it myself, what am I missing? I remember a fat guy on pogo-sticks and the creepy guy from the animated series, am I missing something really cool here?

  27. Fengschwing, the creepy version from the animated series was awesome! Did you see what Supes did to him in the Doomsday movie? It was wicked.

  28. The Flash III

    Toyman would be one step closer to completing the Legion of Doom. They would need to reissue Lex Luthor and Scarecrow from DC Super Heroes and make a Cheetah.

  29. dayraven

    poemosexual!!!! that's friggin' excellent!! and come on poe… you like a little "poe time" just like everyone else does!!

  30. griffin

    One would think it would be the legion of doom version of Toyman, but that would require a new skinny tall sculpt, whereas the original Toyman could be a reuse of the Penguin short squat sculpt. I don't see myself buying any of them unless it is the superfriends version of Toyman and it is better than the DC Direct one.

  31. Poe

    We definitely need a Toyman (and a Cheetah) to finish the Legion of Doom–which is why it annoys me Toyman is even on this list. It's more like asking fans which of these they want made sooner rather than later, rather than asking which one they want made who might otherwise never get made.

  32. finkrod

    And I think they'd need to re-issue the DCSH Bizarro as well. I'd prefer a new sculpt on him actually, more angular looking, less Solomon Grundy-ish.

  33. Poe

    I suspect a Silver Age Bizarro is in the works. He'll just be a Superman reuse with a new (angular) head, white hands, and a reversed symbol.

  34. George-bob

    the only way i'd vote for captain marvel jr. is if we got a mary marvel or anyone else from the fam'(which dosn't appear to be happening)You can count me in for toyman.

  35. PrfktTear

    Well, I'm following in suite, and Raven & Toyman are my two favorites (in that order).

    I agree with Poemer in that these polls should reserved for rare/obscure characters which otherwise never see the light of day. Maybe its just their way to guage popularity of certain characters in the guise of a poll.

  36. Michael Lovrine

    So I guess the number one choice will be hitting somewhere around say..January 2011? If this follows Question's release pattern with Wave 12.

  37. Toyman will win, but I think the big question is… What will he look like? Toyman has had some crap designs through the years. He's had a few cool ones too.

    My guess is for a SP design, since everyone seems to have such a hardon for that, but I'd rather a more DCAU design.

  38. americanhyena

    Toyman would ONLY get my vote if it were the DCUA design. (Although he'll almost certainly win).

    I tend not to like the female figures as much as the male figures (not the gay thing, it's just they feel more cheaply made and the thinner limbs warp far easier).

    Libra LOOKS the coolest to visually but I think he doesn't stand a chance (only ahead of Geo-Force).

    So…given that I'm a sucker for themed groups and since Shazam and Adam are coming out…guess I'm going with Jr.

    Wow…didn't see that coming.

  39. mjturny23

    Uncle Sam fo sho!

  40. Templar

    If Uncle Sam is in contention, then his nemesis AMERICOMMANDO should get a shot in this line as well……So should MARY MARVEL in either her White or Red duds, or even the Black-clad evil version of her as the variant…..

  41. Emerald

    It seemed like Mattel was building the Titans up pretty steadily anyway….Nightwing, Cyborg, Kid Flash, Starfire, Beast Boy (although Changling would be better). So Raven being on this list is odd. You'd think she'd have been planned for waves 13 or 14 at least regardless. And of'course there's no question she'll win the poll because she's the only real solid B-list character in the whole bunch. Personally I'm voting for Toyman to offset the Raven votes because she's a no-brainer anyway.

    Hopefully the absense of Doom Patrol and Justice Society characters means they might be on the way??

  42. Dale-gribble-is-my-h

    I just voted for toyman and raven is beating THE CRAP OUT OF EVERYONE!!!! If you havn't voted, copy/paste this link into your browser. tell me if its broken..:

  43. finkrod

    Nice to see CMJ is second at least. A distant second, but still better than I figured he'd do. GO TEAM MARVEL!

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