A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

It Figures #17

Fillet Team Ray Fillet Mer-Man Zoidberg Hierophant


Odds ‘n Ends


Toy review roundup (via Fanmode)


  1. Cade

    The within a half mile of the ocean line kills me

  2. griffin

    This made me laugh out loud, I love the cigar in Mer-Man's hand.

  3. Jim

    BWHAHAHHA! LOVE THIS POE! I had the A team theme song in my head to enhance the comedic effect of this photo! lol

  4. J_Stone


  5. Mark


    I would love NECA or some company to make good sculpted and well articulated A-Team figures.

  6. Wow. I am quite impressed at how well Man-Ray's sculpt holds up; most vintage Ninja Turtle sculpts look horrid today.

  7. Best one you did in a while Poe.

    @Monte: I think there are quite a few good ones the stand up. Oh… This sounds like a future blog post from me.

  8. Jason

    After having a terrible day, that it about the only bright spot I have had. Thanks for a brilliant pick me up.

  9. And now that offhand comment turns into a reality. You know where to get the goods.

  10. Who is the hardcore-looking one with the gun?

  11. Poe

    @Reverend Ender: The Hierophant from Palisades' House of the Dead.

  12. @Poe. Aw man, all out of stock! Those would've gone sweet on my shelf of cool unusual action figures.

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