A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

New Topless Robot list – 10 Most Famous Geek Arguments

I totally spaced on the fact that Topless Robot posted my list “The 10 Most Famous Geek Arguments” yesterday.

Reading through the comments, my favorite thing about the whole article is everyone’s arguing about what arguments should have been included.

(For the record, I skipped Kirk vs. Picard because I already had the Star Trek vs. Star Wars question on the list, and wanted to spread the love around. Furthermore, all the captains and commanders that have come along since–Sisko, Janeway, Archer–have muddied the issue. However, it is a famous geek argument, so point taken.)

UPDATE: Rob of TR just pointed out to me that the list made the front page of Digg yesterday. Dude, where was I?


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  1. Ed

    I think Batman vs Superman should have beaten would Lois die from a super shag. Many a geek have shed blood arguing "if Batman had prep time and a bag full of Kryptonite bricks to swing with" vs "Superman could use heat vision and kill him from the stratosphere."

  2. Frowny McBeard

    You could have included RIBFIR/RIRFIB in there, but I don't want to actually argue with anyone who would want to argue about that. Or really acknowledge them.

    Also, Cheetos vs. Doritos-which gets less orange fingerprints on your character sheet?

  3. Dead Man Walking

    Wow. Reading that article made me happy I'm not a stereotypical geek/nerd, and have interested beyond geekdom, like sports, fashion, and music.

    With that said, I will admit that MY geek argument will always be MOTU 200X > MOTUC.

  4. Mark

    True Dead Man Walking….that is a costant argument but what about this…

    Masters of the Universe vs Thundercats.

  5. Dead Man Walking

    There's a lot to like about Thundercats, but the longevity of MOTU, the newer toylines, and the larger cast of character give it the edge.

  6. Dark Angel

    I think I have to turn in my geek card…I've only ever argued the book v. movie case, but even that was outside the geek realm (it was in reference to "The Age of Innocence").

    I do recall a longstanding and somewhat heated debate over which of the Doctor's companions was the hottest…is that sufficient to retain my membership?

  7. Congrats on another great post, Poe!

    A friend of mine picked up the Thundercats DVDs and I saw a few episodes. Now, I was never a HUGE Thundercats fan as a kid, so maybe that tainted my view, but I think MOTU holds up 10x better than TC!

    I love the rage that it inspired! Like I said @TR, there are enough geek arguments to inspire its own weekly column!!!

  8. Red Kryptonite

    The freedom to argue over the outcome of hypothetical scenarios/mash-ups that will never, ever be meaningfully observed is number one with a bullet on the Geek's Bill of Rights.

    Congrats for getting a Digg!

  9. And if they can't resolve it, then a round of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock will do…

  10. I think Thundercats is probably the most overrated cartoon out there. This coming from a man who spent a portion of his child hood running around with Lion-O's stupid sword and claw gauntlet on.

    It's He-Man as cats! Ohhh, exciting!

    And yes, I'll catch a lot of flack for that.

  11. Mark

    @Newton Gimmick, damn rightyou will. LOL.

    Yeah I think MOTU holds up better mythos wise when you take into account the other series' etc but I did really like Thundercats growing up, over here in the UK the series was repeated constantly on the BBC and the toys were on the shelves till '92. The last time BBC showed Thundercats was easter '94….the five episodes of Lion-O's trials.

    I hope the rumors of the 2010 Thundercats animated movie are true. Lets just hope the animation and toy style does not follow Clone Wars or TF Animated so Mattel can pick up the rights and we can get some Thundercats to display with our MOTUC figures.

  12. nerdbot

    Bah! MOTU and Thundercats were both crap!

    Now, Battle of the Planets… that was some quality TV.


    I'm old.

  13. I think we'll see a new MOTU movie b4 Thundercats…

    @Mark: have you seen this fan trailer? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fb50GMmY5nk

  14. Mark

    @PrfktTear, yeah that is a great one.

    I will say though LJN did a great job with the Thundercats figures, amazing detail for the time and no mould or part re-use.

  15. Its been so long since I've seen a Thundercats figure up close… even though I wasn't a huge TC fan, I'd still love a couple updates for nostalgia and the awesomeness of having them w/MOTUC figures…

  16. Mark

    Grune the Destroyer made in the MOTU Classic stlye would rule….in fact Lion-O and all the others wouldbegreat.

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