I was really impressed at how they managed to get Sideswipe and Sunstreaker out of the same mold and still get them to look largely like their G1 counterpart.
Yeah Sunstreaker and a couple of others were good but were nowhere near as good as the first batch like Classics Prime, one of the best TransFormers toys ever, Starscream, Megatron, Jetfire, Grimlock etc etc.
I do not understand why they did not make a show or film based on these superior toys instead of the childish Animated toys and the messes that are classed as realistic move TransFormers.
As good as Sunstreaker is he could have used yellow thighs like his G1 counterpart.
All the TransFormers fans that claim Animateds superiority should be ashamed.
Loving Animated is the fans making the best of a bad situation.
If there was two TransFormers shows running at the same time, one being Animated and the other a mature G1 or Beast Wars style we would see how many Fan Boys would be loving Animated.
@Monte, if Animated is the best I would hate to see the worst (fare enough it might be better the the Unicron Trilogy, I mean the shows not the toys)…the only good thing about Animated was the storylines in the first 2 seasons.
I was ashamed buying Animated toys and I bought over £150 worth…which I should add is ebay bound. I was foolish as I got brain washed with the hype…oh they are cartoon accurate etc etc when in fact some of them are from accurate.
There may be plenty of ingenuity in the designs but they still look like infants toys.
I couldn't even bring myself to display them with my older TransFormers or Macross toys.
The basic designs of the characters are all right but they drawn and designed in an awful hypper exadurated style….imagine if Animated had been like Beast Wars it would have been the best TransFormers show to date.
One more thing in this rant…what they did to some characters was a disgrace…the poor constructicons are a joke…warpath is a ninja? sentinal prime….bumblebee is obnoxoius…I could go on.
I hope the next series has some good storylines like the first 2 seasons but I hope the animation is back to anime or CGI.
When the next series comes along we will see if everyone still feels the same about Animated. I seem to be the only one who has been able to break the hold Animated has and realise my mistake.
Hopefully everyone else will wise up after reading these coments…and before everyone starts regretting their folloshnes and thanking me, its okay your welcome.
Frowny McBeard
I was really impressed at how they managed to get Sideswipe and Sunstreaker out of the same mold and still get them to look largely like their G1 counterpart.
This Guy was my favourite classic – what a shame Tformers of this class have to get shelved for the dross that are the film designs. Oh well.
Frowny McBeard
I forgot an s.
Fuyoh rocks, be sure to check out his Flickr stream.
Classics 2.0/Universe didn't live up to the first round from before the film. However, Sunstreaker was one of the best entries!
Yeah Sunstreaker and a couple of others were good but were nowhere near as good as the first batch like Classics Prime, one of the best TransFormers toys ever, Starscream, Megatron, Jetfire, Grimlock etc etc.
I do not understand why they did not make a show or film based on these superior toys instead of the childish Animated toys and the messes that are classed as realistic move TransFormers.
As good as Sunstreaker is he could have used yellow thighs like his G1 counterpart.
"I do not understand why they did not make a show or film based on these superior toys instead of the childish Animated toys"
Animated was the best thing to ever happen to the property.
I dig most of the Movie stuff, but I will be sad to see Animated and Universe 2.0 go away. Hopefully it's just a hiatus.
Animated in particular will be a tragedy. Monuments of clever writing and toy design ingenuity are going to be stopped way before their time.
@Monte: Seconded.
LOL I am sorry but I will not back down on this.
All the TransFormers fans that claim Animateds superiority should be ashamed.
Loving Animated is the fans making the best of a bad situation.
If there was two TransFormers shows running at the same time, one being Animated and the other a mature G1 or Beast Wars style we would see how many Fan Boys would be loving Animated.
@Monte, if Animated is the best I would hate to see the worst (fare enough it might be better the the Unicron Trilogy, I mean the shows not the toys)…the only good thing about Animated was the storylines in the first 2 seasons.
I was ashamed buying Animated toys and I bought over £150 worth…which I should add is ebay bound. I was foolish as I got brain washed with the hype…oh they are cartoon accurate etc etc when in fact some of them are from accurate.
There may be plenty of ingenuity in the designs but they still look like infants toys.
I couldn't even bring myself to display them with my older TransFormers or Macross toys.
The basic designs of the characters are all right but they drawn and designed in an awful hypper exadurated style….imagine if Animated had been like Beast Wars it would have been the best TransFormers show to date.
One more thing in this rant…what they did to some characters was a disgrace…the poor constructicons are a joke…warpath is a ninja? sentinal prime….bumblebee is obnoxoius…I could go on.
I hope the next series has some good storylines like the first 2 seasons but I hope the animation is back to anime or CGI.
When the next series comes along we will see if everyone still feels the same about Animated. I seem to be the only one who has been able to break the hold Animated has and realise my mistake.
Hopefully everyone else will wise up after reading these coments…and before everyone starts regretting their folloshnes and thanking me, its okay your welcome.