Rob over at Raving Toy Maniac has posted what he knows about the MOTUC production numbers. While obviously this hasn’t been verified by anyone at Mattel, it sounds reasonable to me.
The run of the figures was initially set at 10,000. They raised it with Mer-man to a new level. I don’t know what that is right now, but my guess is in the 12-15,000 range and most likely closer to 12,000. Nowhere near mass market levels (40-50,000 plus).
Mattel is being pretty conservative with this line, and rightfully so. They are using a lot of tools over to save on tooling costs and keeping numbers low enough to sell out consistently. They won’t lower their limit simply because they want a sell-out.
Faker was problematic because they sold some at the NYCC and the rest online, so it was harder to get online.
One thing that bothers me a little about the higher production runs they have planned is that even though there will be more figures I suspect they will not lower the price even though their costs go down due to economies of scale (up to a point).
I am okay with the $20 price tag when it is limited and their costs for a smaller run are higher. As they ramp up production it would seem that either you should get more with a figure or the price should lower somewhat. I know they likely won’t do either, but it would be nice if they did.
I agree the price should go down if production really gets ramped up, but I’m not sure an added 2,000-3,000 units really counts as “ramped up.”
Regardless, if these numbers are anywhere near accurate, it’s clear Mattel is playing very safe with MOTUC. If 10,000 figures sell out in an hour, it’s hard to be surprised when 12,000 or even 15,000 sell out in nearly the same amount of time.
Over on Facebook, Mattel has an update of their own, along with some official pics of Hordak.
Wow, is it already May! Holy cow this year is flying by. We are already up to Zodac in a few days and Hordak next month.
To get prepped, here is the close to final Hordak carded images. (the actual sticker on the front will be a bit cleaner cut, this one was done by hand for the photo). But Hordak is already produced and likely heading for a boat this week to make his way to our distribution center for sale next month!
We produced Zodac, Hordak and Man-At-Arms in the same quantity as Mer Man (who was produced in higher quanty than previous figures himself). In reaction to the quick sales of Mer Man last month we have increased production again, and the first figure we will be able to increase is Tri-Klops.
We are committed to continuing to work with fans to increase production and hit that sweet spot. In the meantime, here’s Hordak carded! Note the longer “Grayskull” loincloth and increased paint ops on the final version.
"They won’t lower their limit simply because they want a sell-out."
I agree with Rob. I've said that like a broken record. lol
Hordak loos GREAT! I like the longer loin clothe. I predict Hordak to sell out in less than 30 mins!
Any predictions guys? Poe?
Oh and a personal note, I just sold all my DCUC figures and MOTUC figures from the 2002 line just so I can buy all these figures from the Motu classics line!
Love these figures!
I think Zodak will sell out at Matty collector but I don't think he'll do well in the secondary market. He's just so plain to the point that I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate paying 20 for a plain figure.
I was never into the whole neutrality of Zodac. He seems like a sadistic bastard that just wants to keep the good/evil war going on forever….like "uh oh…bad guys in trouble. Gotta help em out" Then…"uh oh…good guys in trouble now. Gotta help them out."
I picture him in his hover chair watching the battle like football game and saying…hmmmmmm if they did that..would that tip the scale too much to the good guys side OR not?
Personally, I think his character is pretty pathetic. I would've rather have Zodac's character be like that of The Watcher from Marvel comics. At least you know he's REALLY neutral BUT can interfere a bit if the world is in danger.
From Switzerland to Marvel's Watcher…all the neutral people are at the end of the day good guys.
From what I understand, Zodak helps BOTH sides out…good and bad. Damn Sadistic bastard…
Zodac, Master of Sadism 🙂
I don't understand if he was supposed to an Elder of Grayskull (one of the good guys) why would he be neutral now?
Of the two cosmic enforcers I prefer Zodak more, whom was fleshed out better as a character, and hope Mattel makes a version of him also.
In the grand scheme of things those production numbers are really low for a product that needs a steel mould cut!
GIven that the average injection moulding machine will churn out several hundred castings just to get warmed up, I'm surprised they have a factory willing to do those kinds of numbers and that they only cost $20 a piece.
Who is "Rob" and is there any reason to believe he was able to get these figures from Mattel?
Hmm… I guess this at least gives us a better idea… 10,000 is a lot, so upping production by another 5,000, I agree with Poe, it wouldn't be a huge factor in the sell out. Lets up they up it even more!
I agree with Rob, if they up production numbers, it'd be nice to see the price drop, even if it is only a dollar or two. Still, I'm on Poe's side, a few extra thousand isn't ramping it up. However if they begin producing 25,000+, it'd be nice to see a small break in price.
I was never really bothered by the "Real Names" of MOTUC but Hordak's real name is Hec-Tor Kur.
Hector? What the…? Yeah….I'm going to ignore what the box says. lol
All I know, is they better be making more than the usual for the SDCC He-Ro.
monkey boy
keep in mind caitlin that a good deal of these figures all come from the same mould.
y'know…who IS this Rob? He can be like a random guy with a Random number?
Honestly, increasing production between 20 and 50% is a huge amount. Sure, an extra 5,000 figures may not seem like a lot but when it comes to production and shipping, that's a lot more. Especially considering that higher numbers means Mattel will be hiring more people to ship materials and invest more into a more stable website to handle the traffic.
I think Mattel is looking for sell-outs, but they're trying to get that level as high as possible to find the tipping point.
I would personally like to see them use some sense also as far as how many are made of certain characters as opposed to the number the average character gets. Hordak for example will quite likely sell much fast and far more than a character like Zodac, whose design and nuetral stance aren't the most compelling and may be the first character some collectors skip.
Newton Gimmick
I'm thinking Rob's numbers are a little low honestly, but even if he's ballpark close it's as mistake for Mattel.
They need to ramp up production soon. I have no idea why they would produce so few figures.
@Jim…no slagging Zodac, I like Zodac. So Zodac helps the good guys out and the bad guys to keep wars going…he must be a politician LOL.
Hordak looks awesome, lets hope they up production number and lower the price and start distribuating them in more shops than just Matty Collector.
Rob Rooney is an editor for Raving Toy Maniac. He's been around for a long time and has better industry contacts than I do.
While nothing's confirmed if Mattel hasn't officially done so, I suspect Rob's numbers are pretty close to accurate.
Dead Man Walking
@Jim. Wow, I thought I was the only person that had that outlook about Zodac. The idea that you can help out the evil forces at times, but remain neutral, is absurd. If you are helping evil achieve it's goals you are implicitly evil. He would only be neutral if he never interfered.
@ Dead man Walking: EXACTLY! If he's helping good and bad and is the Master of Sadism…he is ultimately EVIL! lol
@ Poe: Oh! I c now! Thanks Poe!
@ Mark: lol lol Sigh…, I dunno man. It's going to be hard to make any promises. Zodac is like lint to my motu collection but i'd rather have a lint then a hole in my collection, so I will still get him! 🙂
I posted the link to this over at the Org and got a lot of the same "who is this Guy and what does he know…." it never ceases to amaze how small the silos we sit in sometimes.
Listen to Poe. If Rob at RTM puts his name to a "this is the truth folks…" post then I am inclined to accept that he knows what he is talking about – he has a rep to think about.
I really never gave a crap about Zodac, and liked the way they overwrote him for Zodak in 200x. But he's a 4h sculpted MOTUC so just like any good junkie I'll be on my kness before Bratty Matty begging for the privilege of actually buying this plain-vanilla bastard on the 15th like way too many others.
Michael Lovrine
Obviously they need to set a lower limit on how many people can buy. I'm not sure if this rule is per shipping address, but if it isn't, then people (*coughs scalpers*) are definitely coming up with ways to beat the process cause they are selling out so fast.
You got figures showing up on E-Bay in moments after the sale sends.
Not to mention the retail online shops like BBTS which also get there share. Actually, I'm not sure how that would work. They wouldn't order the figures traditionally like DCUC, or does Mattel make them stand in line like everyone else buy from Matty Collector?
@Jim well I am missing Faker and King Greyskull in my collection….its like anything people should only buy what they like. For me Zodac is a must have…mainly as I have some great memories of getting my original Zodac…which I still have 100% complete. I got him one day at a gift shop at a Safari Park over here (a carnival with animals like tigers and amusements and rides etc) I also got the MOTU weapon pack that day and was back in time to watch Dungeons and Dragons on TV.