A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Batman, Jim Lee-style


Got the day off today, so I was just messing around with my camera (and Photoshop, of course) and put this together.


Transformers: Complete First Season on DVD


It Figures #6


  1. Mario

    A simple head swap certainly does work. That's a nice fig. Oh, & nice homage to the 2nd printing. ; )

  2. Motorthing

    I like it and want one more than a winning Lotto ticket.

  3. Templar

    Sweet, PG! That Gargoyle he's stepping on looks familiar….??? Really hope Mattel re-releases the Black & Grey BATS in Wave 10 ……What's your thought about this wave being another Wal-Mart exclusive?

  4. Poe

    Thanks all! The gargoyle is from the first movie Spider-man figure.

    I'll post some thoughts on the Walmart wave issue once it's officially announced.

  5. Eric

    That looks fantastic, Poe. Great job.

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