It Figures #6 By Poe On April 20, 2009 In Humor, It Figures Bionic Commando Previous Batman, Jim Lee-style Next Matty updates 5 Comments Dark Angel …working a bit blue, there, aren't we, Mr. Ghostal? Disturbing. Amusing…but disturbing. April 20, 2009 Poe Hey, it's only as dirty as you imagine it is. April 20, 2009 Dark Angel …it can't POSSIBLY be as filthy as I am capable of imagining… 😉 April 20, 2009 The Articulated One This is made even funnier by the fact that his actual hand is bandaged. He must be one rough bastard. April 20, 2009 Frowny McBeard If that's Shia LeBoeuf he's talking to it's even better. April 22, 2009
Dark Angel
…working a bit blue, there, aren't we, Mr. Ghostal? Disturbing. Amusing…but disturbing.
Hey, it's only as dirty as you imagine it is.
Dark Angel
…it can't POSSIBLY be as filthy as I am capable of imagining… 😉
The Articulated One
This is made even funnier by the fact that his actual hand is bandaged.
He must be one rough bastard.
Frowny McBeard
If that's Shia LeBoeuf he's talking to it's even better.