A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Ask Mattel > 5/1/08

Welcome to another round of Ask Mattel here at PGPoA. Let’s get right into it…

Poe Ghostal: Will the Lobo SDCC exclusive be produced in at least the same numbers as Man-Bat last year?

Mattel’s “ToyGuru”: Sorry, but we can’t comment on the production run of any of our exclusives!

When should collectors start keeping an eye out for the Wal-Mart DCUC wave?


What ratio will the Deathstroke/Sinestro variants be packed in wave 3?

Sinestro will be a 50/50 ratio, Deathstroke will be a bit less.

Any word on if and when the DCUC modern Red Tornado variant might be available to collectors?

Not at this time but we will continue to work on ways to bring him out to store shelves.

Just a clarification: is the Wal-Mart DCUC wave now the official “Wave 5,” and what online retailers had offered for pre-order as “Wave 5” is now, technically, Wave 6?

Yes, the Wal-Mart Wave is Wave 5, Wave 6 will have Hawkman.

My thoughts: 50/50 Sinestro ratio? June for the Wal-Mart wave? All I have to say about that is: “awesome.”


Poe’s Point > 5 figures I’d like to see in DCUC–but (probably) won’t


A Dark and Stormy Knight

1 Comment

  1. Wow, thats very soon. AND I STILL haven't seen hide nor hair of Wave 2.

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