A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Odds ‘n Ends


You thought I forgot again, didn’t you! Well, you’re right, I did.

  • Believe it or not, my case of DCUC7 may actually ship today or tomorrow. Then the clock will reset for DCUC8…and this time, I won’t break down and buy any of the figures ahead of time! Except maybe Hawkgirl. If I see her in a store.
  • The Fwoosh has an early review of Mer-Man. Looking good.
  • Entertainment Earth is offering the two different DCUC8 Parademons as a set.
  • Don’t forget to vote in the next round of FANtastic Exclusive. (Yes, I’m looking for filler today.)
  • Video that made me laugh my ass off while researching a freelance piece: The Sword and the Sorcerer
  • Books I’m reading: The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck; The Death of Superman by Dan Jurgens (to be followed by World Without Superman and The Return of Superman).


Pic of the Day


Pic of the Day


  1. AmericanHyena


    I want that Mer-Man.

    I haven't really been following what's upcoming on MOTUC. Who's officially confirmed at this point?

  2. Matthew K

    Zodac is after Mer-Man, then it's:




    we have seen protos for all of them at NYCC and also a Teela, but they haven't said where Teela fits in.

  3. Can't wait till Mer-Man! I got Faker yesterday, but I can't say I was uber excited, after all, he is just a blue He-Man.

  4. We know officially that Hordak is next?

  5. The Grapes of Wrath is one of those books that I read about once each year. It's depressing, well-written, and always enjoyable.

  6. Poe

    @Newton Gimmick:

    Hordak is the June figure. Mattel has confirmed that on Mattycollector.com.

  7. @Poe: Sweet, I missed that. I guess that's cause I never go to Matty Collector other than the day the figures go on sale. I'd go if they ever posted information there… But that's not their policy. So I just get my info from here.

  8. Night of the living Superman should be the next book.

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