Guys and their gadgets by Poe Ghostal
Poe’s note: I’d love to read some reader captions for this pic. Here’s the one I came up with:
Skeletor: “So, you say you can get the Sox game on this thing anywhere in the universe?”
Darkseid: “Yep. And I can watch episodes of The Office too.”
Skeletor: The Ultimate Nulli-what now?
Darkseid: Just point it at He-Man and it does the rest.
Skeletor: And where did you get this again?
Darkseid: Crossover… now does Evil-Lyn come with Snake Mountain?
1)Skeletor: But does it play Donkey Kong?
2) Skeletor: man, NOTHING runs on Linux anymore.
3)Skeletor: XXX Amateur New Goddesses not included in this cable package!?! What the hell kind of evil dictator are you?!?
Skeletor: Stupid GPS, I told you we should have taken that left turn at Albequerque.
Darkseid: Yeah, I've got Anthrax, Metallica…
Skeletor: Oooh, Hannah Montana!
Dead Man Walking
Skeletor: And the worst part about this "He-Man" is that I have no idea who he really is, or where he comes from.
Darkseid: I can relate. This one guy Superman, he must be a master of disguise or something.
Darkseid: Hurry up so we can get this recorded to put on YouTube.
Skeletor: Wait a minute, I have to turn it on.
Skeletor: So, what kind of songs do you have on here?
Darkseid: Oh, you know…
Skeletor: Are you trying to Rick-Roll me?
Darkseid: No! Well, do you want it?
Skeletor: You go ahead and keep that.
Darkseid: Curses, foiled again!
The Articulated One
I smell a caption contest!
Darkseid: The only side effect was my head shrank!
Skeletor: I can live with that!
In light of the news on Matty's Facebooks page, I think this is appropriate
Darkseid: See, not even motherbox can guarantee a complete set of DCUC6 delivered right to your door. Mattel truly is the greatest force for evil in the universe.
Skeletor: True that, I may be incredibly overpriced when shipped, but at least I'm still available.
Darkseid: No, it's true! He's a grown man and he wears tights and a cape!
Skeletor: At least he doesn't wear furry shorts.
Skeletor: Sam, Ziggy's working on a way to find out what you need to do to leap!
Skeletor: Yeah but Man where's the soul? You don't have one of these with like a Ram's Head on top or Dragon's teeth or something…..?
Darkseid: Peasant!
Darkseid: Hi Im a DC!
Skeletor: And Im a MOTU
Motherbox: And Im BATMAN!.
apple theme***
Darkseid: Bones, analyze!
Skeletor: So now it's easier to find you than it is to find me?
Darkseid: All part of Mattel's, err, my evil plan to kill teh line.
Skeletor: But I was supposed to be available for all the fans of MOTUC, but I lasted only 12 days. I think that wretched He-man had something to do with this. BEASTMAN come fourth, we must rally the troops.
Darkseid: Sorry, he's "unavailable", try the NYCC.
Mumma Ghostal
You people are so funny! I can't even pick the one that I like best…
They're all great, but I have to admit I'm particularly fond of the Quantum Leap reference, since it totally works with the scene and I didn't think of it at all. Someone should expand on it…
Darkseid: Oh boy!