Now, I’m a big believer in the idea that 99% of unofficial news on the Web should be taken with a heaping spoonful of salt–and if it’s on a fan forum, you might want a whole bowl. And the last official word I received from CSC is that DCUC6 hadn’t arrived and wasn’t expected until the end of this month.
Still, there’s a slight ring of truth to this post that bugs me.
As for your cornerstore questions. I get my comics at their actual store in So Cal on a weekly basis and I asked about the figs this week when I went to get my books. They told me that Mattel messed up their order. Mattel didnt ship ANY Shazam figures to them, They also messed up on the Superman order, intead of sending the specific number of each Superman that CSC requested, Mattel just combined the two numbers and send whatever Supermen they happened to grab off their shelves, so the guys at CSC are having to figure out what Superman they got shorted and which on they have a surplus. Now get this, instead of sending them to Mattel to get the right figures, Mattel told them they would have to trade with other vendors(for example, BigBadToyStore) to get the right order! How lame is that!!
Couple things: first off, be aware that depite the way the post is worded, I believe CSC when they say they haven’t received any figures yet. Rather, it’s likely they’ve told Mattel not to bother sending their figures until everything’s been sorted out on Mattel’s end, and the problem is that Mattel’s warehouses haven’t received Shazam (and are possibly having to sort it out with other online retailers) and are having some kind of problem with Superman.
The whole thing about working it out with trades between the online retailers, though–that sounds to me like something a grumpy employee might have tossed out as a worst-case-scenario, but unlikely to be necessary.
Disgusting. WE are the consumer and WE keep these companies in business. If this is true than Mattel is really alot worse than I even thought they were…
Was there a problem with all of the Captain Marvels? I found what seemed to be two full cases of Wave 6, without any Big Cheese.
BBTS only have Hawk, Dr.Whoever and another one that wasn't Supes/Shazam so I guess they have screwed the orders up somewhere. Can't blame your "retail Partners" on this one now can you Mattel!!!