Poe’s note: Every pic I see of wave 6 makes me more impatient for my CSC order to ship…and I thought I’d be OK for a while after getting the Walmart wave. Anyway, Drury Walker here looks awesomely goofy.
Poe’s note: Every pic I see of wave 6 makes me more impatient for my CSC order to ship…and I thought I’d be OK for a while after getting the Walmart wave. Anyway, Drury Walker here looks awesomely goofy.
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Got Superman Red and Blue in the mail today.
People…I don't know if it was just MY figure but the long hair Face Sculpt was HORRIBLY painted. Was probably the worst painted face I've seen for dcuc.
I didn't care since I was going to use the DCSH head for this new superman and I must say…..TRY it because in my opinion it makes for THE BEST SUPERMAN FIGURE EVER MADE (at least for now)!!!!!!!
Check it out! The pictures at fwoosh of members who have done this DO NOT do this superman justice. It's pretty cool.
The ONLY MINOR MINOR grip i can say is that the red is a TAD BIT bright. OTHER than that it is EXCELLENT!
Oh and the blue for his suit was a bit too dark….
…then again, every toy company doesn't make DEFINITIVE versions of characters because that would decrease sales.
The Aquaman, Wonderwoman, Black and Gray Batman and this superman is definitive enough me so I'm good.
I'm pretty disappointed with Green Lantern though. If you look at his body profile…his upper torso is super skinny and doesn't match the heavier look of his lower torso. Also his skin color on his face has no paint like Batman wave 1, Aquaman, Wonder Woman or the DCSH Superman head. So I'm probably going to be shy one member of the BIG SEVEN unless Flash and Martian Manhunter don't come out right. Oh well, maybe I can use John Stewart will be painted right.
I'm sorry for my flip flops but….
…I took the dcuc wave 6 swapped head figure off my shelf.
-Belts too bright yellow
-Belt is too wide
-Blue is WAY to dark
and he just doesn't fit with the old vendor products. Wave 4 was pretty good. The New vendor matched the Old vendor look and feel, but now…man…
I guess I'll be shy a Superman, Green Lantern AND Flash and Martian Manhunter since it doesn't seem like the new vendor can make anything right anymore.
@Chris (first post): Even though you took him down, got any pics.
No pics sorry.
Also, yeah….dcuc made me happy when Mattel had the old vendor making the figures. I remember EVERYONE used to complain about the DCSH superman being way too dark blue. This Wave 6 Superman is EVEN DARKER. I don't mind the dark blue but they use a super bright red and bright yellow belt with the dark blue. Horrible in my opinion.
In fact, I have decided this will be my last post. Since the new vendor just doesn't cut it for me, I can't even cherry pick dcuc.
So until this new vendor makes figures of quality on par to that of Wave 2 Aquaman, Wave 4 Wonder Woman…I'm completely done the line. Every figure in wave 6 has shiny plasticy faces…pretty disappointing.
Take Care Everyone!
So long farewell, auf weidersehen good-bye!
I can understand your frusteration. I never collected DCSH, and I got into DCUC because of the great sculpts, cool characters, and as sort of a stopgap until MOTUC. Of course Poe's reviews won me over too.
If you're really that disappointed in the line then maybe it is for the best that you walk away from it. I'm sure your blood pressure will go down! Plus you can be kind of a downer sometimes, ya know? Everyone's entitled to their opinions, and thats what the Internet is for. But I kind of look at this site as a refuge from rest of the Internet. Sort of a place like Cheers, where everybody knows your name, you can just relax, have a few laughs, and see some cool stuff.
@Chris: jeez… does anything make you happy?
gotta be a smart ass dontcha. lol
Sorry about the language but first, I never meant to be a downer and second I can say anything I want. If you don't like it, don't read it.
..lol actually, let me rephrase that…I won't even look at whatever you have to respond to. My blood pressure was fine until i read your comment. I'm disappointed with the line but I didn't stress. Mattel's actually made me save a ton of cash.
So feel free to have the last word, I could care less. Smart *ss. 🙂
Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?