A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the day

X-Plus Sanda by chimply kaiju


He-Man (Masters of the Universe Classics)


News roundup, 1/5/2009

1 Comment

  1. As children my brother and I watched War of the Gargantuans a ton and somehow got another movie mixed in with it and thought that there was indeed a whole alternate ending to the movie including a white Gargantuan who lost his arm fighting a whole horde of brown ones.

    It's weird how stuff like that happens, because I have memories of that movie which didn't exist as clear as memories of things that did.

    Years later I found out Frankenstein conquers the World is the Gargantuan and still don't entirely understand it. But it's cool none the less. Never seen figures of them before.

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