A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Toy Aisle Trolls > Barren-ess

Toy Aisle Trolls is a feature highlighting acts of vandalism to in-store toy items. If you find a ruined package, a stolen figure, a swapped-out figure, or any other such acts, take a photo (cell phone photos are fine if they’re not blurry) and email them to poe@poeghostal.com.

Baroness, Cobra Librarian

Submitted by: CT

CT writes: “This is an odd thing I found in a Tallahassee Walmart. The figure is a Baroness from the Valor v. Venom line (if I recall correctly) from several years back in the package of a Rise of Cobra Baroness. Makes no sense to me, but whatever.”


Pics of MasterEnglish’s MOTUC Batman Custom


New S.H. MonsterArts Poll at Tamashii Nations


  1. It's almost like somebody is doing it just to get on here.
    I'm going to swap a Frosty POC Destro for a ROC Destro!

  2. Darren

    That Troll swaped a Geo Metro for a Ford Fiesta. What was the point?

  3. Mark

    Why would someone give away a better figure than the one they hae taken?

  4. Mortimer McMire

    This wasn't a troll….this was a gnome.

    Plain and simple.

  5. JorReno

    Some trolls aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some trolls just want to watch the world burn…

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