A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day > Rhino Blue by Jii Dee

Rhino Blue


Poe’s Point > Vykron Thoughts


Tamashii Teases S.H. MonsterArts Godzilla SDCC Exclusive


  1. Monte

    I know they're hopelessly loose-limbed, but I WILL get one of these anthropomorphic badasses someday.

    I have one of the Scarab dudes waiting for me at my dad's house in Oregon. I cannot wait to photograph him.

  2. AmericanHyena

    Not all of them. They released a corrected batch of them that had much sturdier limbs. (Although their weapons are still hopelessly fragile.)

    • Monte

      Christ, don't tell me that! Now I want them even more!

  3. I only picked up the rhino and warthog figures from this line, and even with the shaky limbs I absolutely adore them. Plus, it lets me have fantasy-themed Bebop and Rocksteady to battle my NECA TMNT!

  4. The Four Horsemen know how to do animal figures!

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