A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Odds ‘n Ends > New Sponsor, Facebook Question, Turtles Classics Pics

  • New Sponsor: Please join me in welcoming our newest sponsor, Xenon Project. Xenon Project sells remote control and replica vehicles such as the Hawkspy Helicopter w/ Spy Camera, the Destroyer RC Boat, and the 1:18 Dark Knight Tumbler. I don’t collect RC stuff myself, but every year my family sponsors a family in need for Christmas, and this past year all the kids wanted RC helicopters, so if you’re into RC or know any kids who are, check out Xenon Project. And remember, my sponsors keep this site going, so the more you check out (and if the mood strikes you, order) their wares, the more you support PGPoA.
  • I’m trying to think of a way to add value to PGPoA’s Facebook page (without moving the site exclusively to Facebook which, fear not, I will never do). It’s the place I share any interested toy-related news I come across from my Facebook connections, but I’d like to make it more worth a visit. Anyone have any ideas? I was considering moving one of the regular features over there – maybe Toy Aisle Trolls – but I’d rather come up with something new. Something that would be worth checking the page out for if you’re on Facebook, but not so good that the people who don’t want to use Facebook feel like they’re missing out.
  • This came up in my post on the new DC MOTU comic, but I wanted to reiterate here that the new miniseries is a brand-new canon, and writer James Robinson is free to use any character from any of the various canons. So we could see the likes of Draego-Man or Vikor. It almost makes me wish they’d gotten Paul Dini to write it, as you just know he would have brought back Plundor and made him all badass.
  • If you haven’t seen them already, head over to Infinite Hollywood and check out the new close-up pics of the Turtles Classics Raphael. These come from Dave Cortes’s studio, so there’s no guarantee at all that the production figures will look this good, but there are some nice turnarounds that show off the articulation.


Figure It Out #10


Pic of the Day > Helper by smokebelch


  1. misterbigbo

    Does anybody know the scale on the classic Turtles?

    • Jesús Santillán

      6",my friend.

      • misterbigbo

        Thanks! What a bummer that they won’t match my NECA Turtles.

  2. ridureyu

    Added you on Facebook!

  3. Barbecue17

    I hope no regular features become Facebook exclusive as I killed my Facebook account in December. I really never enjoyed interacting with companies or following sites on Facebook, so there wasn't much loss.

    Glad to hear you don't plan on going Facebook exclusive.

    • I've pretty much decided not to move any current features over to Facebook…but I think I will create a new one, maybe.

  4. Zach S.

    Maybe for a Facebook-specific feature, you could do a detailed account of your toy buying/collecting in "real time." You could update with any new buys, toys you found or just interesting toys you became aware of. It'd be neat to follow. Don't know if you use Timeline, but that format would be perfect for this sort of thing.

    You could also tease your reviews on Facebook, leading more traffic here. Pic of the Day could live on Facebook as well.

  5. Jon

    That Raphael looks amazing. Granted it came right from the studio, I too have a hard time believing that they will look good once they hit the pegs later this year.

  6. Thomas b

    How about profiles in plastic as a name for a Facebook feature or for here. It could be interviews with industry professionals.

  7. Thomas b

    Also, using the timeline feature you could out up when every single toyline started and ended. That would be awesome but also a lot of work.

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