Those Science Theater 3000 guys did a nice job ripping into the G v. Megalon movie. I'm a huge Godzilla fan but must say that that movie is best viewed with the S.T.3000 peanut gallery delivering their colorful commentary. It helped me appreciate Jet Jaguar! a little more but never enough to pick up Bandai's Movie Monster Series Jet Jaguar which is still pretty available for around $10 from online Godzilla shops. The newer MMS Hedorah the Smog Monster is a thing of real beauty. Much nicer then the crap version out at TRU right now.
For years as a kid I thought his name was J.J. Jaguar… Because the bad dubbing made it sound like that.
Then again I only had limited access to Godzilla versus Megalon off a bootleg VHS tape that my cousin owned.
Oh those were the days.
Any idea what figure that is? Doesn't look like a Bandai.
I think it is the Bandai 6" figure…just a weird angle.
Those Science Theater 3000 guys did a nice job ripping into the G v. Megalon movie. I'm a huge Godzilla fan but must say that that movie is best viewed with the S.T.3000 peanut gallery delivering their colorful commentary. It helped me appreciate Jet Jaguar! a little more but never enough to pick up Bandai's Movie Monster Series Jet Jaguar which is still pretty available for around $10 from online Godzilla shops. The newer MMS Hedorah the Smog Monster is a thing of real beauty. Much nicer then the crap version out at TRU right now.