A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Figure It Out #6 – Winner

Transformers Twin twist - modo alterno (G1)

Many people correctly guessed last week’s Figure It Out – it was a drill from the G1 Transformer Twin Twist. The winner, selected at random from two dozen correct answers, is Scorpion Delta.

This week’s FIO #7 will be pushed to next week to make way for a special contest I’ll be revealing within the hour.


FigureoftheDay Has the Play Arts Kai Batman Arkham Asylum Figures Starting 3amET/12amPT Tonight


Contest > Win a Play Arts Kai Joker! (Sponsored by FigureoftheDay.com)


  1. Mecha-Shiva

    Ahahah,I love these!The new Bot-shots toys seem to be the new versions of this toy,thanks for my Poe prize for the other entry BTW.

  2. Matt K

    That's funny. I had that toy and couldn't figure it out.

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