A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Mattycollector/Digital River hacked?

As for now this remains a rumor, but at least one He-Man.org member posted that he received a message from his credit card company that Digital River had been compromised and they were cancelling their card and issuing a new one.

This comes on the heels of Fun Publications’ recent fraud issues.

NOTE: The following paragraphs are wild speculation. As of right now, there is no official confirmation that this is a real or widespread issue. (That’s not meant to question the original poster’s veracity – I’m sure he’s correctly relating what he was told – but he’s not an official source, obviously.)

If it does turn out to be real and widespread, I think it’s safe to say it spells serious trouble for Mattel and the various subscriptions, especially Club Eternia.

Shadow Weaver, the sub incentive, has already shipped. The temptation to cancel one’s credit card and not enter a new one will be very strong for many fans, and Digital River’s terrible customer service will ensure no pressure is placed on anyone to enter a new card (since they already have a cancel – the – sub – first – and – ask – no – questions – later policy).

Of course, if the cancellations do happen on a large scale and Mattel or Digital River don’t have a sufficient insurance policy to cover the cost of the cancellations, it wouldn’t surprise me to see MOTUC end in 2012. If enough people cancel the sub as a result of an error, I just don’t see the upper management signing off on another year.

If this turns out to be a tempest in the teapot, I hope it will at least help Mattel realize just how dangerous it is to work with Digital River, and perhaps rethink the entire subscription program.


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  1. EdwardJamesAlmost

    This is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now i'm going to sit back and (hopefully) watch it all burn down in a glorious reckoning.

  2. Come on. My credit card was just compromised because Fun Publications. Now this?

    I'm not even sure its worth updating my sub with the new credit card info now.

    • megaduceflare

      I was going to update my information this month as well. Now I'm seriously considering dropping my subs, all four of them, entirely.

      As much as I'd hate to give up on all the subs, especially since I've yet to get my Lion Force & Infinite Earths sub exclusives, it's just not worth this kind of frustration.

      We need a clearer picture on this soon.

  3. Tom b

    Well I DON'T hope this is true. I'd hae for this to hurt the MOTUC line. However. I can see a lot of people not signing back up. They got their shadow weaver and many people didn't want the star sisters, with no big "have to have" figures like ram man shown coming up soon I see a lot of damage. They should have dumped DR years ago.

  4. misterbigbo

    This is going to be fantastic to watch unfold.

  5. Mysterious Stranger

    I've already gotten the authorization for Kobra Kahn this month so if I do have to cancel my card I'm covered for this months figure.

    Honestly I can't blame Digital River for a breach like this. If it can happen to a big tech company like Sony it can happen to anyone. Blaming Digital River for the breach is like blaming the cat for the dog eating its food. Now if it IS a breach and they don't get in front of it by issuing a statement right away like Fun Publications didn't then we can sharpen the pitchforks and light the torches. But until I see more proof than a couple people on the .org I'm not throwing anybody under the bus.

    • I don't think the Fans would be surprised or Blame DR for being Hacked. But based on their Poor CS over the years and the recent issues, the Hacking will just give everyone an excuse to walk away.

  6. Someone right now at Mattel is Pissing their pants. Cause seriously, if this is true, and fans don't renew Subs en masse because of Digital River, how many heads who's decision it was to KEEP DR are going to roll?

  7. Barbecue17

    These are the top 6 responses I expect from Mattycollector IF such an event were to happen!:

    6. We’ll pass this info on to our security team!

    5. Keep reading your Credit Card statements!

    4. To be honest, the first ten people who had their CC info stolen didn’t even realize it (it was that small of a mistake).

    3. This is a small line: Maybe we’ll get more funding for security in a movie year!

    2. Oh no, fans! Demo Man is causing trouble again! This time he has hacked the credit cards of some Mattel fans!

    1. The four Horsemen handle credit card security, not us.

    • Your post is my favorite thing ever. Well, today. But well done!

    • dayraven

      when someone asks if you're a god, you say YES!

    • Don't forget: 7. You're lucky you even have the opportunity to use your credit card information to buy these toys! I remember a time when there weren't any He-Man figures at all!

  8. I agree it's much too early to get out the pitchforks. That said, at least one person on He-Man.org claimed DR has had a breach before, and that some collectors had informed them how weak their security is. IF these things are true and DR did nothing corrective, then holding them at least partially responsible will be a bit more fair.

    • Jeff

      There HAS been a breach before.

      Two years ago. That’s when I had to cancel my CC because of them the first time. The hack originated in India, but there was a guy in NY who was partnered with the Indian hackers. He got caught when trying to re-sell the database to a marketing firm.

      Oh, and DR were hacked last year, too. The guy used the system to steal the payment info and re-direct the money to his account. I think he stole close to a quarter million dollars that way.

  9. Valo487

    Barbecue’s post was brilliant.

  10. Zach S.

    So why don't they sell MOTUC and the other "collector" lines on the main Mattel Shop website? I'm sure there are logistical reasons, but I've never had anything but a great experience when using that site.

    • 3B_

      I believe it has something to do with international shipping. I've never had any problems ordering from Mattel Shop. DR is a completely different matter…

  11. Havocsan

    If they dump DR in favour of Mattel.com, thats going to lock everyone outside the USA out of collecting the line. I want to stick with it to the end. Id sooner they just axe it altogether than make it absolutely impossible to buy them outside of from ebay scalpers.

    DR sucks. Credit card fruad, incompetant customer service reps who dont even read emails. shipping out day of sales orders before subscriptions.. list goes on and on. Its a major stress. But, I will miss the line when it's gone. But not as much as I'd miss it if smug american scalpers were able to hold me to ransom to continue collecting. Screw that idea. DR just needs to get their act together. Atleast alerting CC companies to a possible fraud is actually a step in the right direction. When Forbidden Planet got hacked, it took a bunch of us on a doctor who forum discussing our cards being cancelled for fraudulent use all led back to us all pre-ordering the same item from FP. I dont think FP ever made any kind of statement or apology for that. I lost a credit card I had since I was old enough to own one, and knew the number off by heart. Hopefully, it's an isolated incident.

  12. Although this isn't the first time my credit card account has been hacked (assuming it was hacked at all), I'm getting tired of this crap. Data security isn't all that difficult: either encrypt the credit card data in the database or use a third party service to handle credit card payments like Paypal. At this point, I'm getting so gunshy about online purchases that if a site doesn't use Paypal, I'm not interested.

    As soon as I have Stinkor in hand, I'm going to delete my MattyCollector.com account information. Even if my data wasn't compromised, I'm not really interested in anything beyond Stinkor and it's always good to limit the number of online stores that have access to my credit card.

  13. I already scrutinize my credit card statements pretty thoroughly becuase of DR (which I suppose I should thank them for – Clark Howard would be so proud), but I'd rather not deal with this hassle. I'd just as soon keep my subs, but I'm honestly not sure I'll want to bother trying to wade through their ridiculous system to submit a new card number or – heaven forbid – resubscribe somehow. And yes, I know changing your credit card is supposed to be simple, but I have no faith in that.

  14. Mysterious Stranger

    There is an easy way to change your credit card number. Find your original subscription order number, from when you first bought the sub last year. Enter it in the "find my order" search box on MattyCollector.com and then go to the "edit credit card" link and change it there. That's what I did with mine after I had to change my card last month due to fraud. No need to contact customer service at all, though I did call the escalation customer service department to verify the change went through okay and it did.

  15. 3B_

    Wow… really hoping this is not true. I still haven't received either of my exclusive (DC & Voltron). While I wouldn't mind dumping my Club Lion Force sub and losing the $15, we still haven't received Metron and that would be a significant amount of cash lost.

    I didn't have any issues with Fun Pub because the card I used previously was cancelled due to an unrelated (I think) fraud attempt. However, DR has my current card info plus my debit card and that could be disastrous!

  16. Jeff

    I can tell you that DRI were on a watch list already last month. The frauds inspection department of my CC company (VISA Desjardins – I’m from Quebec) had to call me when the time came to renew my subscription in February. Apparently DRI had attempted to authorize FOUR payments in the same amount for ONE shipment. They called me to check for authorization, and the rep did tell me that the attempts were made by a ‘flagged’ company. I asked what it meant, she said there had been reports of suspicious activity. I asked which company it was, she confirmed it was Digital River International.

    And now, a month later, I learn that it was a GOOD thing that I cancelled my card.

    They can say goodbye to my money, because I just said goodbye to MOTUC.

    GG, Matty and DRI. Way to lose customers.

  17. Reverend Ender

    Well, I tried to give them a new credit card because my default ran out of money (I'm stupid that way). They claim they did it, and to wait two business days (This was on Saturday), but if it doesn't work, I think I will skip continuing the sub. I'm kinda pissed that I had to buy the awful Star Sisters, and I'm not excited by too many more of the offerings (Snake Man-At-Arms), so I'm happy to go back to cherry picking.

  18. Reverend Ender


  19. looks like that thread at he-man that you linked to in the blog post is no longer there. anyone got a copy?


  20. muldertp

    I noticed that too.

    Interestingly, I got an e-mail from “Matty” explaining the complicated process to change your card info.

    Coincidence or are they trying to get credit cards before people jump ship?

  21. Dark Angel

    Erm, yah. That took a turn for the creepy.


  22. Sector1014

    I just had to cancel a card today that I have only used for Matty stuff for about a year and a half.

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