A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Quick Review > Blinky the Red Ghost PVC (Pac-Man, Coleco, 1982)

There seems to have been an abundance of Pac-Man-related toys when I was a wee tyke, circa 1982, and for whatever reason I owned a few of them. The oldest toy I still own from my childhood – the one that’s still the original, that I’ve never had to buy a replacement of on eBay – is a wind-up Pac-Man by Coleco.

I also had this guy, a PVC ghost from Pac-Man, part of a whole line of PVC figures also by Coleco. I believe they predated the cartoon series; they’re certainly not based on it. Nor is he based on the actual game ghost – he’s just some sort of cartoonish interpretation of it. My fondness for this piece isn’t based on nostalgia for Pac-Man, though; it’s just a nice, solid, fun little PVC I owned as a kid, and a nice desk tchotchke.

Although it doesn’t say it on the front of the package, he’s apparently known as “Blinky the Red Ghost” – maybe it says that on the cross-sell on the back. Believe it or not, there doesn’t appear to be a website out there that has cataloged this toy line in detail. The closest thing I could find was this.

So apparently Pac-Man was huge in the early ’80s. It’s easy to forget that, since Mario more or less wiped Pac-Man off the map a few years later.

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  1. Barbecue17

    Well, there was a song called "Pac-Man Fever" by a group called Buckner & Garcia, so I think it was safe to say America had Pac-Man fever. Besides, Weird Al also did a Pac-Man parody song, so you know Pac-Man was a big deal!

    • I had that on tape as a kid. And yet, I don't think I heard Zeppelin until I went to college…

  2. Ron

    These are awesome! I've got Pac Man Angel and Ms. Pac Man, no ghosts though.

  3. Awesome! I just pulled this guy out of an old box of Smurfs I dug out for the kid a little while ago.

    Oddly enough, we had this guy and Ms. Pacman in a wedding dress. That's it' No Pac-Man that I can remembers. I've still got the Donkey Kong, though. Love that one.

  4. I had this one – I vividly remember being at K-Mart with a friend and his mom. She said she'd buy us each a toy (I'm sure there was more to the story, like 'under 4 dollars' or something.) Anyways, my pal picked out Zuckuss from the Empire Strikes Back line and I grabbed Blinky.

    I got a bit of a teasing about choosing a Pac-Man ghost over a Star Wars figure, but it was totally worth it. Wish I still had Blinky now.

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