While I’d rather forget everything about yesterday’s game, I’d be remiss if I didn’t post this link to Metlife’s “Everyone” commercial, which features guest appearances by He-Man, Battle Cat and Voltron, among others.
Is everyone in this commercial owned by Warner Bros.?
My condolences, but I can't believe you're a Pats fan, Poe. I suppose you root for the Empire and the Daleks too. (Mind, I'm a Cowboys fan, and have absolutely no love for the Giants.)
Poe Ghostal
Oh please. The Pats were notorious also-rans prior to 2001. And I've written almost your exact second sentence to Yankees fans.
But that's beside the point anyway. I was born and raised in Massachusetts and I firmly believe it's my birthright–hell, my obligation–to root for the Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics and Bruins. Sports are so tribal, I've never understood people who root for other teams without any sort of connection to them (location, family, etc.).
Zach S.
I firmly agree with that. I root for the Giants because I'm from New York and my family have been Giants fans since the team was founded. I do think true, passionate fanhood is passed down/inherited.
Same. Its just like something you're born into also, like religion and who you vote for President. If you want to be a Steelers fan… move to Pittsburgh.
Agreed Poe! That's why I go for the Adelaide Crows! 🙂
I'm sure no one here knows what I'm talking about, lol
Hearing that from an admitted Cowboys fan is ridiculous. If there’s any team in the NFL that should be lumped in with the Yankees, Daleks and the Empire its the Cowboys.
The Cowboys don't play well enough for that kind of evil! They're kinda like Darth Maul there: showy, probably cost a pretty penny, really not that effective…
And I grew up in Montana, where the "local" teams were the Seahawks, or the Broncos; both of which were agressively mediocre back then. I picked the Cowboys in first grade, and stuck with them.
I like you because you aren’t hyper-irrational-nigh-unrealistic Cowboys fan. Living an hour south of Houston (and as a Texans fan) I still have to fight through the mindless horde who habitually drink the Cowboys Kool-aid. But you, good sir, have a functioning brain. Cheers!
Are you forgetting about the Cowboys in the '90s with Troy Aikman? They dominated the NFL.
Zach S.
Go Giants 😀
That was one of the best commercials during the game…although most were pretty forgettable. Amazing game though…the Giants and Patriots should play ever year, considering their two Super Bowls have been two of the best ever.
Daphne is the 1%.
The Avengers advertisement was amazing. I can't believe we're stuck with the Skrull knock-offs from the Ultimate universe though.
I only knew who the New England Patriots were because of Family Guy, but sorry that your team didn't win, Poe.
I still don't know where the Giants came from. I should probably ask someone. It's definitely somewhere in North America, though, right? Do Canadians play baseball?
The Giants come from the Mountains of Perpetua.
Cool commercial. And uh, oh yeah….. screw the Pats, GO RAVENS! (yeah I know we lost, but I refuse to accept defeat!)
i feel your pain as far as the superbowl went. I was in a house full of giants fans, rooting for the pats. I agree with your fndom basis, I live in Maine, and while I don't really follow sports, but when i do pay attention i root for the pats, the sox, the bruins and the celtics. also where does the pats being the evil team come from? the pats were definitely the white hats in this match up. Giants= the yankees of football. plus the Jay-z song clearly let's us know who the empire is…
The Pats have worked for everything they've got. Plus the NFL has a thing called a salary cap, whilst the Major League Baseball teams have "luxury taxes" i.e. if they pay their players over a certain amount they are "taxed". Every team in the NFL has the same cap to work with so it really does come down to the players and the coaching. If you have a minimum team salary, i.e. $120 million, you have to spread that across all your players and if you have a handful of players taking most of that up you have to get creative. Its funny, Red Sox nation despises the Yankees, but they're number two in terms of how much players are paid.
Newton Gimmick
I was excited to come in here and talk about all the neat cartoons in the commercial… Then all the comments are about football. Some nerds you guys are.
All of the Looney Tunes and Hanna-Barbara characters are owned by Warner Bros. as well as DC Comics(that point explaind in a bit. All of the rest except the peanuts are owned or licensed through Classic Media. All of these groups have some form of deal with Mattel except for Snoopy's gang, but I might be wrong on that one. So the add may have been for MetLife but I bet Mattel, Classic Media, and Warner Bros. contributed some money to the production. Who know there may be a Mattel Peanuts toyline in the work as well as anyone else who showed up in that commercial?
Poe Ghostal
Oh duh, of course He-Man isn't WB.
Yeah, this seems to have been the Who Framed Roger Rabbit of TV commercials.
As for Peanuts though, I think Round Two has the lock on that toy license.
The behind the scenes for Voltron makes me kinda sad because of how poorly it was animated(not that I could do much better.), but going back and watching the commercial itself, confirms that they got it right there.
IIRC MetLife HAVE been using Peanuts Characters for quite a while…