- CoolToyReview has posted what it says are details regarding Mattel’s plans for the Dark Knight Rises. There are no pics and they don’t cite a source, but there will be a 6″ Movie Masters line that will feature a Build-a-Batsignal.
- Idle Hands is running a few Toy Fair 2012 previews, including NECA’s E.T. line. Unlike Rob at Topless Robot, I actually like E.T., and am probably on board for at least the standard figure.
- Avengers movie toys are already popping up. Looks like a lot of reuse, which I guess is fair.
- Don’t forget, my Odds ‘n Ends contest ends this Sunday at midnight.
Will West
The 6-figure case asst for the first series of Movie Masters leaked about a month ago, as some Walmart employees had noticed it in their system. Supposedly, we're getting the figures you'd expect (Catwoman, Bane, etc), but most surprising was that Alfred and Officer Blake are slated to get figures, too. Anyway, the post referenced 5 figures (CW, Bane, Blake, Alfred, and Ras), so I think it's safe to say that #6 will be a Batman of some sort. There was also UPC info listed. I tweeted it to OAFE, but I can't seem to find it right now. Nice to hear about the Bat Signal, but this also means that they'll be jacking up the price to "accommodate" the pack-in.
I'm looking forward to E.T., too, and will likely pick up the basic E.T. for my 80s movie shelf.
Billy Brown
I don't think I will be picking up any of those Avengers figures since I'm not a fan of action features but a Mighty Muggz collection might be in my near future
Dark Knight rises figures should be cool, although I doubt 4H will be involved. I haven't been able to gather enough enthusiasm to buy any of the recent new DK figures, since they follow the classic Matty "Buy a double in your $30 2 pack" plan. Part of it is my own hypocrisy, since I love the idea of more "civilian" types of characters, but my dumb mind must somehow think a character's price should reflect their powers and abilities because I can rarely justify actually purchasing one.
E.T. is indeed horrifying to some extent, but he's also lovable and classic, I admit. It's the "dead in the gutter" scene that creeps me out. I'm definitely down for a single iconic perfect E.T. from NECA! Not the one in drag, as the PVC in that outfit was something I found unsettling as a kid. Remember TRU's huge launch of E.T. stuff that didn't sell like 10 years ago? A small line like NECA is the way to go.
Those Avengers figures look nice and I think they use very little, if any existing tooling since all of the characters' outfits are changed just enough to make attempts at cost cutting frustrating for Hasbro. I bet we see many of the wacky variants pulled from the previous lines. It's a really good move getting this stuff out early and building hype and I hope that means the paint jobs don't look as rushed as the previous 3 3/4 efforts which had really nice sculpts.
Personally, I'm all in for whatever 6" series Hasbro puts together. After recently picking up movie Thor, Cap and standard Iron Man(from part 2), I think these crush just about anything Mattel's got in retail at this scale. They're close to NECA sculpts with Marvel Legends articulation. I'm very impressed.
John Harmon
Mattel stated specifically that the Four Horsemen were doing the Dark Knight Rises Movie Masters figures.
This is good news to me.
Im in for exactly 1 E.T. Figure probably the basic…..but Elliot and E.T. On bike would be the best case scenario. And I'm betting they don't make it