A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

News round-up, 12/10/08

Wow, where did yesterday go? Anyway…


Weep for the dead Xevoz


PGPoA’s Holiday Contest


  1. Ryan

    Why did they go for the big ugly joint holes on Wolvie?

  2. Christopher

    WOW! CAN"T WAIT FOR HAWKMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Christopher

    hey poe,

    check out the starfire/adam strange twopack on fwoosh.

    All these crappy figs! I'm saving so much money! lol

  4. Whats wrong with my space hero and alien cheesecake toys? They not spacey or cheesecakey enough?

  5. Chris

    @esbat: LOL LOL she does look like cheesecake!

    They look really plasticy. But i'm a completist so I may get one UNOPENED set.

    I would really hate to get those cheerleader two packs…Mister U and Mister L. They look so dorky.

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