A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Sponsor News > DCAS, ThunderCats, Robocop at BBTS

Just a few interesting items from BBTS’s latest newsletter.

First up is their preorder for wave one of DC Universe All-Stars. This is a really odd line-up, isn’t it? Due out in May 2012.

Next is this incredible badass 14″ Mumm-Ra from Mezco, a companion piece to their 14″ Lion-O. It’s up for preorder for $35 and hits in May.

Square Enix’s Play Arts Kai line is rapidly becoming the Hot Toys of the under-12″ scale. I’m waiting for their Arkham Asylum stuff myself, but they’ve also got Solid Snake and Ninja coming from the first Metal Gear Solid game.  Up for preorder, due in February.

Speaking of Play Arts Kai, Akuma, Cammy, and Cammy’s hips are due in March.

Sideshow’s making a premium-format Dutch figure from Predator. I don’t collect figures like this, but it does make me wonder why we haven’t had one from NECA yet…

The Figma Robocop is now in stock. I had to pass on this so that I could afford Bandai’s MonsterArts Godzilla, but the figure looks awesome–you can check out a foreign-language review with lots of great pics here. And if anyone has or gets one and wants to write up a review of it for PGPoA, I’ll post it. Or if you want to buy me one, I’ll gladly review it. I do have a birthday coming up.


Vintage Toy Ads > Spawn (1994)


Pic of the Day > Cy-Kill – Mighty Robot by _Vintango_


  1. Barbecue17

    This is definitely a really strange DC assortment. I pretty much only collect Bat-centric characters when it comes to DC figures so the only one of these I would possibly pick up is Batman Beyond but honestly, he looks no different than the DCUC version.

    I'm surprised that Mattel didn't work with DC to try and have some figures ready as part of the new 52. I know it takes more time to create figures than to do a movie, but I would expect some releases or rereleases that tie in in some way.

    • As I mentioned in an earlier post, I think this wave is really more like the last wave of DCUC. I expect waves 2-3 of DCAS will have at least a few New 52 characters.

  2. I love the look of that Mumm-Ra, but it's SOOOO big! I'm having a hard enough time finding space for my MU Galactus – I have no idea where you could put something like that :S

    • I'm just thankful I'm not really a ThunderCats fan. If that were a giant Skeletor, I'd have to be moving shelves around already…

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