A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Vintage Toy Ads > Spawn (1994)

Funny to think that Spawn, which never had a kids’ cartoon* and was a very adult-oriented comic book featuring lots of murder, death, and dark religious imagery, had ads for toys on daytime kids’ television. Loving the Malebolgia cameo.

* But of course it did have an adult-oriented HBO animated series.


Pic of the Day > TMNT villains by zodar


Sponsor News > DCAS, ThunderCats, Robocop at BBTS


  1. I never knew about this commercial… which is surprising, as I was a HUGE nerd for Spawn. I had 60-some issues of the comic, I taped the HBO series, I had dozens of the figures, and I even watched Batman and Robin in theater just to see the Spawn trailer… which is funny, 'cause Spawn's just about as terrible a movie as Batman and Robin, although I definitely didn't feel that way at the time.

    • Yeah, this is the first I'd ever seen the commercial. And I've gotta say that video technology has come a long way; what we see here looks like something I could create using the tools I've got with me while on a trip.

  2. Mario


  3. Mr G

    impeccable timing. i just bought a series 1 medieval spawn from a swap meet last sunday.

  4. Mecha-Shiva

    Needs more metal music!

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