Of course I remember! BATTLE BEASTS! One of my absolute favorite toy lines of all time, and I would argue one of the few toy lines of the 1980s that holds up REALLY well 25 years after they were initially released!
Never had any, but loved them anyway. I guess Diamond Select isn't going to do anything with the Battle Beasts line other than releasing the alligator in different armor colors as different exclusives?
Wood Beats Water!! Because it floats. That was always funny to me.
I was anal enough to swap the stickers on my Fish, Bear and Bat so they matched the animated segment of the commercial. Bat and Fish were sooo awesome! Bear was okay. Keep floating, Bear.
When I found out these were a Transformers spin-off, my brain broke.
I still have the turtle, alligator, black panther, and a few assorted others hanging around. I remember a friend had fucking ALL of them, and vehicles that went with them. I remember I had an elephant with an awesome axe… I need to go look this stuff up. Battle Beasts were great- fantastic (if very poorly articulated) sculpts and paint applications, and some cool freaking weapons. I'm bummed that Diamond Select isn't doing a damn thing with them.
DST have said they're taking their time figuring out what to do with the property so that they get it right. Given how small the company is that's understandable, and I'd rather have someone at least working on it than Hasbro ignoring it like the last 20 years. As well as the Minimate promos they also showed some prototypes for a potential figure line at last years SDCC, but in a larger scale, like 6" maybe?
Of course I remember! BATTLE BEASTS! One of my absolute favorite toy lines of all time, and I would argue one of the few toy lines of the 1980s that holds up REALLY well 25 years after they were initially released!
Back right, fox and crow were my two favorites!
Never had any, but loved them anyway. I guess Diamond Select isn't going to do anything with the Battle Beasts line other than releasing the alligator in different armor colors as different exclusives?
David Graham
Is that…a hippo?
I never had any, but I think Ben is right – those still look good today. That has to be the most badass bunny ever.
Well, second. I forgot Bucky O'Hare.
Wood Beats Water!! Because it floats. That was always funny to me.
I was anal enough to swap the stickers on my Fish, Bear and Bat so they matched the animated segment of the commercial. Bat and Fish were sooo awesome! Bear was okay. Keep floating, Bear.
When I found out these were a Transformers spin-off, my brain broke.
Never forgot them!
My favorite was always the octopus.
I still have the turtle, alligator, black panther, and a few assorted others hanging around. I remember a friend had fucking ALL of them, and vehicles that went with them. I remember I had an elephant with an awesome axe… I need to go look this stuff up. Battle Beasts were great- fantastic (if very poorly articulated) sculpts and paint applications, and some cool freaking weapons. I'm bummed that Diamond Select isn't doing a damn thing with them.
DST have said they're taking their time figuring out what to do with the property so that they get it right. Given how small the company is that's understandable, and I'd rather have someone at least working on it than Hasbro ignoring it like the last 20 years. As well as the Minimate promos they also showed some prototypes for a potential figure line at last years SDCC, but in a larger scale, like 6" maybe?
You know, I had never realized how phallic that fish is.
Or the octopus, for that matter. http://imagehost.vendio.com/a/35066965/aview/s2_3…
Sigh, every time I'm reminded of these; I want to type in eBay.com….battle beast. I have problems. 😛
Philip Reed
You really don't wanna type "battle beasts" at eBay. The prices are kinda scary.
Doesn't it always seem to be the case.
Yep! I still have the fox guy (up right) somewhere in my toys collection. Loved them.