A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Making the Mini-Masters Materialize


Many fans loved seeing the “Mini-Masters” that were revealed at San Diego Comic Con. What you may not know is that they’re not actually planned by Mattel yet. Like the prototype MOTUC He-Man at the 2007 SDCC and the Battle Ram last year, these were made on spec by the Four Horsemen in the hopes of getting fans to push Mattel to produce them.

While I’m generally not that big on the super-deformed, Galactic Heroes/Superhero Squad/Action League style, the sheer novelty of getting MOTU versions is enough to make them must-haves.

Will they happen? Only if we tell Mattel we want them! I’d start an online petition, but I tend to think those are of fairly limited influence, so I suggest people ask about them on every Ask Mattel.


Mattycollector Online SDCC Exclusives Go on Sale at 12pm ET


Pic of the Day > Two-Pack Batman (Mattel, 2003) by Poe Ghostal


  1. Monkey boy

    These are cool, but if they get made mattel will find a way to mess it up. My guess is a ridiculous price point, like $8 a figure.

  2. Mario

    It's rather amazing to see how far we've come when looking at that original He-Man prototype… Anyways, I'd be in on the little buggers, so I'll ask about them when the next Q & A comes around.

  3. I have no use for these kinds of toys, but damn, that Moss Man is cute.

  4. Mecha-Shiva

    Ohh,I love these,they look awesome,I usually don't collect MOTUC but these guys look fun to collect even if I don't like the character.

  5. R.Ace

    Just not feeling them.

  6. Newton Gimmick

    I want them, naturally.

  7. Er0k26

    I want these Matty!

  8. ero

    Be a fun way to get MOTU to retail, but I've no use for them, especially not on Mattycollector.com.

  9. Dead Man Walking

    They're neat, but I'm not into super-deformed figures. Besides, I do think they would be expensive. I wouldn't be surprised if they were $10-12, especially if they were mattycollector exclusive.

  10. I commented on a thread about these at He-Man.org just to show my support. Price point will have a huge bearing on whether or not I pick them up though. I'd at the very least pick up He-Man and Skeletor though.

  11. I like the figures, but I agree with some of the above comments in that they will probably be too pricey for me to collect wholeheartedly. I wouldn't be shocked if they were available in 2-packs for $20. I think I'd probably get the first few figures, especially Skeletor and Mer-Man, but I can't see me collecting the line very much beyond that.

  12. Mecha-Shiva

    Oh hey,the Polly Pockets She-ra sets sold out quickly,*hint**hint*!

  13. fengschwing

    Not my cup of tea, but why not?
    They also have a bit more articulation than these sorts of figures usually have, that's nice.

  14. Southzen

    It won't happen, their faces express each character's personality, therefore, too 'hyper anime'

    I would love these guys, but I agree that they may be in the range of $15-20 two packs. I am also going to assume that these be a WSOD situation, which means I may risk losing something like the yearly vehicle or a 30th anniversary figure trying to pick one of these guys up.

  15. Aaron

    I would buy them.

  16. dayraven

    can't help it, i have no interest in these. i'm sure they're cute… i don't buy cute. i buy badass. i have real action figures to buy.

  17. Sector1014


  18. Kid Nicky

    Like all mattel products,I would definately want these,as long as:
    1. They were fairly priced.
    2. Had QC equal to or greater than Burger King toys
    3. were sold in a real store or website
    4. I did not have to rebuy some old DCSH figure to get one

    Of course here in the real world,MSRP 20 dollar Donna Troy is pegwarming because according to Matty the fans need to be more dedicated. We know these min-MOTU would be online only,and frankly while they'd be cute/funny for five bucks,they just aren't worth the 10-12 bucks they'd cost from Mattycollector or the hassle of ordering.

  19. clark

    I would really like these to happen, but am too scared of how much Matty would charge for them. $6 each or $10-$12 a two-pack I can handle. However, shipping would cost just as much or more than the figures themselves, so maybe not. If these were in stores I'd be all over them.

  20. Friginator

    I don't consider myself a huge Masters of the Universe fan, but He-Man and Skeletor from this line would be worth picking up for me. So maybe the fact that they interest me is a sign they have more widespread appeal.

  21. I'd buy a Skeletor & He-Man set, that's about it.

  22. I'd buy them if the price was fine. Make them a tad smaller, give them cut-jointed shoulders and offer them as $ 10.- two-packs, and I'm in.

  23. He-Dan

    I’d pay $10-12 each easy.

  24. ralph

    Eric said they brought the prototypes with them to show Mattel in their regular pre SDCC discussion and Mattel put those immediately on their display – so it seems they are sold to the idea – now only waiting on fan response for initially making them.

    I think it's neat but that's about it. I would love more cool MotUC figs rather than a second line of cute MotU thrown in. (though might be fun if their heads fit the regular MotuC figs).

    • Frankly I think we're getting more than enough MOTUC figures as it is. My wallet certainly thinks so.

  25. Please Mattel, I want these.

  26. Matty

    As the father of an 8 yo supehero squad freak I'd buy these if and only if. They priced inline with supehero squad or brave and the bold, and the were at retail and not online only.

  27. I want these for my kids!! They also have to be affordable…

  28. GMan

    Under $12 bucks for each 2 pack and I'm definitly in for all or most of the line. hopefully its in stores and not on matty collector, because then that $12 will become $20 after shipping

  29. muppetbot

    those are way too cool… I hope Matty makes em. I buy them in an instance.

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