A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Any questions for Mattel?

Questions due by 9am ET Friday, July 29.


Poe’s Point > Obligatory Club Infinite Earths Post


Pic of the Day > Kikaida Clear by REdYOdA


  1. Regarding the ongoing problems most of us have on a regular basis with Digital River, is the reason that Mattel stays with such a company who is famously known for it's poor customer service and quality control due to Mattel being locked into a contract with them? And if so, when does it expire?

  2. fengschwing

    I actually have two…

    What was the thinking behind the decision to make the recent Swamp-Thing figure oversized and thus out od scale with the rest of the DCUC line?

    Also, if Club Infinite Earths does no go ahead, will we still see the Jay Garrick, Starman and Atrocitus figures released in some way?

  3. Friginator

    Already asked Poe this elsewhere, but just to be sure, are Infinite Heroes coming back? That line went away just as I was really getting into it. Other companies are doing more and more characters on a smaller, 4-inch scale like that, and the DC universe has never gotten a big line like that.

  4. MsMarvel fan

    Great reveals at SDCC! I'm really excited for 2012. Can those of us with subscriptions look forward to a way to opt into additional club figures and/or 30th Anniversary figures for shipment with our sub figures?

  5. Friginator

    Oh, and if this counts, another one: We never got a DC Universe Classics Granny Goodness to go along with all of the other great New Gods figures. I understand that the character wouldn't work as a mainstream release, but Granny Goodness is still essential to the New Gods series. So do us fans have a chance of seeing her as an exclusive?

  6. Mario

    Now that the Voltron line has been revealed (which, IMHO, is stupendous), are you at liberty to say if & when we'll be seeing some villains to complement our heroes?

  7. RageTreb

    Is the "Battleground" moniker a way for MOTUC to release other high-demand repaints? For instance, could something like a blue "Battleground Hordak" be in the works? Or perhaps the remaining MOTUC figures from the "five or six" DC vs MOTUC sets that were planned and mentioned at the recent Mattypalooza?

  8. Snarf! Snarf!

    After seeing the mixed reactions regarding Battleground Evil Lyn: Was she meant to be the "classicized" version of 200X Evil Lyn, or is there room for a third Evil Lyn in her Zalesian attire (A female version of The Faceless One's vest)?

  9. Thomas b

    We need more NA figures. Now that mattel has cartoon rights are NA figures going to get the shaft?

    • I tend to doubt it, since Mattel got the rights to the NA cartoon too. And we're getting Flipshot this year.

  10. Billy Brown

    What happens if they don't get all of the subs they need or CIE? Do the figures they were gonna give the subscribers go by the wayside or are they going to be released otherwise?

  11. toyman

    With more subs being announced, the amount of potential releases in one month could be overwhelming to a collector's wallet. What is being done to balance the layout so people with multiple subs don't experience a month with a Voltron lion and it's pilot, a Ghostbusters character, and a monthly MOTUC figure plus a quarterly release, etc.?

  12. Q: 1) Was the Build a Castle Grayskull idea posted on the mattycollector motuc sub page just that, a joke? Or is there really some semblance of a plan in there? A: we are not at liberty to comment on unannounced projects at this time, yadayadayada! lol

    Q: 2) Does the 23" voltron contain any diecast metal component at all? or is it pure plastic except for the springs and pin joints?

    Q: 3) While the 23" voltron is an outstanding piece, ultimately I am not going to get it because I feel that it is too big for comfort as I really don't have the space to store it and it really is out of place with my current robot collection, and would really stick out like a sore thumb, do you have any plans on making a smaller, around 12" version of Voltron with diecast shiny metal parts? I'd buy that in a heartbeat! Perhaps like a store or SDCC exclusive or something? Repackaging it with the 5 voltron pilots (civilian outfit variant even?) would be icing on the cake! No? How about some space mice then?

  13. toyman

    My first question is more important to me, but I'd also like to know:

    Do the Voltron pilots actually fit into the lions like the vintage toys?

    I don't think that's been stated anywhere yet, has it?

  14. Fries Against

    Why do you keep using Matty as your mascot when you know everyone hates him?

  15. Fries Against

    Is Fangirl 2.0 hot?

  16. Why is the CIE sub predicated on a minimum amount of subscriptions AND more expensive than all the other subs? Isn't that sort of geared to fail as a set up?

  17. AJ7

    I'm not sure any of these will be answered, but I'll give it a try.

    1. MOTUC Shadow Weaver

    Mattel's policy to date has been that Club Eternia subscription exclusives will not be re-released, either a "straight-up" re-release or a "variant" (e.g. different paint applications) re-release. Does this policy still apply to Shadow Weaver?

    If Shadow Weaver will not be re-released in any way, shape or form, is there still a possibility for 200X-inspired female "Shadow Wraiths" to be released in the MOTUC line?

    2. Voltron Classics

    2.1 How will the Lions and Pilots be packaged? Will the Lions come in a box with a display window? Will the Pilots come on blistercards?

    2.2 Do any of the Lions have die-cast parts?

    2.3 Does the "transforming action feature" on the Lions restrict their articulation in any way?

    2.4 Do the two separate "torso" pieces of the Red and Green Lions (i.e. the front piece with the front legs and head and the back piece with the back legs and tail) twist/rotate independently of each other?

  18. AJ7

    3. DCUC Wildstorm

    Although the relaunch of DCUC at retail is currently unclear, it is possible that Wildstorm characters will be included in the line and released at retail or would the only way fans are likely to receive Wildstorm characters be through the mattycollector.com exclusive figures?

  19. Tribsaint

    With, the poor reception of the green lantern movie, and the merchandise that is based on the movie, what s the fate on the unreleased waves and the CnC figure?

  20. Ronnie Lane

    You hold the master toy license for Disney. Is there any chance of a collector-oriented Disney toyline along the lines of DCUC at some point?

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