A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day


DSCF0211 by Poe Ghostal


Toy Fair Day 2 > Masters of the Universe Classics


Review > King Hssss (Masters of the Universe Classics)


  1. Mark

    Neck seems too long.

  2. Mecha-Shiva

    A little more retooling this could be a Keaton Batman…

  3. The only thing I didn't like about that game is that Batman looked a little too large, like a body builder. Is it just me or is he slimed down a bit on the figure?

  4. Poe

    @Mark: It seems clear the cape portion on the test shot hasn't been properly glued down, and therefore the neck might not be, either. I suspect it'll look fine once it's properly assembled.

    @Paul: He definitely seemed slimmed down, which I like. And heck, in terms of beefiness, he's a lot better than the next best modern Batman (imho).

  5. Mark

    @Poe: Yes, I was thinking that.

  6. dayraven

    the cape sits strangely on the shoulders though… i'm hoping that that's just a feature of a rushed show sample. otherwise, it's not bad. it's not as game-accurate as the DCD one is, but it's got articulation… oh the woes of toydom.

  7. Poe

    @dayraven: I'm 95% sure that the cape issue there is just a result of the rushed proto.

  8. americanhyena


    Speakings of which…the other modern Batman they had on display there. That's just the DCSH Batman with the Sinestro Batman head, yes?

  9. Poe

    @americanhyena: Yep. I'm not sure how I feel about it–I have a hunch the DCSH8 one will end up being the better-looking of the two, if only because DCSH8 had overall better paint apps and plastic.

    But AC Batman will finally replace DCSH8 Batman as my best 6" Batman…

  10. americanhyena


    Yeah but I can headpop this new one and give him the standard dcuc Batman head. That's the Batman I've always wanted but couldn't justify spending a fortune to get the old dcsh figure.

  11. Poe

    To be honest, I'm not a fan of the pupils. But I can just white those out.

  12. Diego Zubrycky

    Great figure! The ab joint is awesome!

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