A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

McFarlane Toys scores the Walking Dead

Via MTV Geek (whom I now hate for all his exclusive scoops):

The first series of deluxe 6-inch figures is releasing in September 2011, includes four fan-favorite characters from the Image comic book including:

Officer Rick Grimes
Zombie Lurker
Zombie Roamer

The second series of deluxe 6-inch figures is revealed in November 2011 and introduces four figures based on AMC’s original drama including:

Deputy Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Zombie Walker
Zombie Biter

Each human figure includes multiple interchangeable accessories and several points of articulation for limitless possibility and customization. Each zombie figure features unique, gory, play action such as exploding heads and removable limbs. Figures are expected to sell for around $14.99 at retailers nationwide.

“I simply cannot contain my excitement over working with McFarlane Toys,” said Robert Kirkman, creator of “The Walking Dead” comic-book series.  “For nearly two decades McFarlane Toys have proven themselves to be leading the pack when it comes to making cool looking, innovative toys, and I’m thrilled that they’re going to continue to do so with ‘The Walking Dead.”

There’s more information, including a quote from McFarlane, at the MTV Geek.

I’m disappointed. No articulation means no interest from me. Not that there’s anything wrong with a lack of articulation–some people are perfectly happy with that, and if you’re one of them, you’re probably going to love this line.

Oddly enough, I had heard–a while back–that a different toy company had scored this license, and had plans to do a fully-articulated 6″ line. (And no, this wasn’t a dream.) Either I was misinformed, or something happened in the interim.


Any questions for Toy Fair?


Pic of the Day


  1. Dead Man Walking

    Let the "McStatue" outrage begin!

    I'm a huge fan of zombie films, but sans cable/satellite I have not had a change to check out this show. On the plus side, when the blu-rays are released I can watch the whole season in a few fell swoops. I don't really read comics anymore, other than perhaps whatever David Mack is putting out.

    I don't collect zombie figures, however, as I tend to eschew gruesome figures. So I guess I'm one person who doesn't care about articulation (a tiny fraction of the collector community) who won't be getting this line. Lol.

  2. Thanks for the linkage! 🙂

    As far as I know, the human figures will be articulated. I doubt they'll be anywhere near the levels that I'd personally like, since I'd love for them to be as jointed as Neca's latest offerings.

    The zombies though are definitely not able to be posed for shit.

    I'm hoping they'll be doing graytone variants of the comic figures… again probably just getting my hopes up.

  3. Dead Man Walking

    If there's one thing zombies are known for, it's being super-limber.


  4. Zach

    Whatever, I'm excited. I mean, any new Zombie figure is most certainly welcome…

  5. Dead Man Walking

    Here's the other zombie: http://www.actionfigureinsider.com/main/wp-conten

  6. thomas

    i am disappointed for the very same reasons poe is.

    Mcf doesn't make toys really…they make statues.

    sure there may be a few points of articulation but they sure as hell are not usefully points…might as well be full statues.

  7. dlia

    While many will question articulation and what not, its at least good to see products again from McFarlane. Hope they get more licenses soon and back on there feet. There's just this huge void when it comes to these types of alternative licenses. Sure NECA makes a ton and then there's Mattel with DC/MOTU. After that, nothing really compares.

  8. FakeEyes22

    Now that I think about it, this news should be the opposite of surprising since Kirkman and McFarlane are working on a comic together called Haunt…I think. It wasn't bad but I didn't keep getting it after a few issues. Gotta be stingy with a stack of $3-$4 comics.

    I kind of think zombies shouldn't be all that poseable anyway, but I'd really like one to be.

  9. Poe

    @Lemonjuice_McGee: So wait–was this an exclusive for you or not? AFI has the same stuff.

    Sometimes people slap "first look" and "exclusive" on things that aren't…it's annoying and makes it hard to properly credit people when warranted.

  10. @Poe: McFarlane sent us our info before anyone else to give us the chance to break the news on info for the line. The picture they sent is an exclusive to us as well.

    Looks like AFI got one of the other zombies in the line once the other releases went out. Makes me wonder if any sites have a picture of Rick floating around…

  11. @Poe: Okay, you got me worried about it so I did some searches. Looks like everyone that got a press release later in the day also got the same zombie photo as AFI.

  12. dayraven

    several points of articulation for limitless possibility

    am i missing something?

  13. Fengschwing

    McFarlane = pass.


  14. Barbecue17

    Sounds fine to me. I appreciate a nice blend of posable action figures and statues in my collection, and I'm really glad to see McFarlane doing something that isn't sports or Halo.

  15. Monte

    I'm with dayraven; it says they're articulated. McFarlane can do articulation; see the 10th Anniversary Spawn and the Halo figures.

    Did nobody read the press release, or am I just too trusting? 'Cause it sounds like articulation is supposed to be a big selling point…

  16. Valo487

    I don't understand why McFarlane didn't start including articulation years ago, it seems like they stubbornly refused to listen to the buying public and now have to coast on sports licenses. They used to have amazin sculpts, but once other companies started becoming serious competition in the sculpting department you have to do something, and they didn't do that.

    It seems like stubbornness is the root cause of a lot of issues companies have now. McFarlane with his expensive statues, Mattel's lack of QC and their inability to ensure that everyone can buy their products, Hasbro having more character diversity in the Superhero Squad toys than they do in the Marvel Universe line, and Bif Bang Pow refusing to make anything but Mego-esque toys, even if the license does not translate well at all to that style.

  17. @Monte: I read the press release, but I'm actually with Dayraven, I think I'm missing something…

    First of all, I'm certainly not anyone to be pointing fingers, but someone should really check their engrish when sending out press releases…

    Second, "several points of articulation for limitless possibility and customization" Should that be "limitless possibilities" or "poseability" there's a biiiig difference.

    Lets see what McFarlane has up their sleeves I guess. Though I love Walking Dead the series and I plan to pick up the blu-ray, I think its safe to say that these will be virtually ignored by me.

  18. dayraven

    i know the pic shown has only like two visible POA, but i may easily not be a finished fig either… and it may not be representative of the line as a whole.

  19. Poe

    @Lemonjuice_McGee: To clarify, I wasn't actually accusing you of anything, just generally grumbling 🙂

  20. Dead Man Walking

    @PrfktTear: I do get the impression that "possibilities" is intentional, so as to not make the inaccurate claim of being extensively poseable. In fact, even the word "several" seems intended to not oversell the articulation–no one would describe a typical ML or Sota SF figure as having "several" POA.

    Further I think people need to realize that the limitless possibilities claim comes not just from the several POS, but also the interchangeable accessories.

    Each human figure includes multiple interchangeable accessories and several points of articulation for limitless possibility and customization. Each zombie figure features unique, gory, play action such as exploding heads and removable limbs.

    I expect these figures to get a similar treatment to Prince of Persian 6 inchers. Note that there is no mention whatsoever of articulation with the zombies.

    I expect they'll have about 5 POA. But hey, zombies are stiffs.

  21. Dead Man Walking

    Not the most hopeful sign for articulation fans, but in line with what I was expecting: http://toynewsi.com/news.php?catid=288&itemid

  22. americanhyena

    For me the line is a pass, but my bf is obsessed with zombies and since he's not quite the anal retentive toy nerd I am, I'll be picking him up all four of the zombies at least.

  23. @Poe: We're cool. I just get overly worried about that type of stuff. Never my intention to pull some junk like that. I'm an honest criminal! 🙂

  24. Ryan

    This could work out to be a good tradeoff. I am a huge Walking Deadhead, having read all the available trades and the show. I think McFarlane should keep the comic figures as jointless as possible to keep the flow of detailing and to not disturb said flow with joints. That being said, the show series should be as jointed as possible for fans to pull off many good and lifelike poses. Just my 2 cents.

  25. thomas

    yup…i am not buying these. even without joints they do not look that great

  26. James PEPPER JR

    My son is 3 and he absolutly loves the walking dead he watches it everyday and is not even afraid i think he would love it if mcfarlan toys would put out a action figure with Rick Grimes riding the horse like in the very first episode he always makes me go back to that spesific part in the show thankyou mcfarlan toys see what you can do. thanks dean and jim big walking dead fans

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