A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

ToyFare #127: first pics of Mezco’s Heroes figures

ToyFare has posted a scan of the cover for issue #127, featuring Claire and Sylar from Mezco’s upcoming Heroes action figure line. Click the image for a larger version.

ToyFare 127

My first impression: these appear to be as realistic and non-cartoonish as Mezco’s popular Hellboy movie line from 2004, so fans worried about a Warriors or Miami Vice redux can relax. However, Sylar’s features still look a bit exaggerated, and the Claire likeness needs a lot of work, particularly around cheekbones and the eyes. Hayden Panettiere has very distinctive eyes; if you can get them right, the rest of the likeness will fall into place.

These are almost certainly prototypes, so there’s plenty of time to work on them.


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  1. Esbat

    Sylar would make a good older John Connor custom base, circa T2 flashback(forward?).

  2. JPL

    This article is just an excuse to post links to Panettiere pictures, isn't it? (Not that I disapprove.)

  3. Poe

    @Esbat–True, but…also an odd observation.


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