Happy New Year! I’m working on a very big review of the first wave of DC Universe Classics figures, but in the meantime here’s a quick post to tide you over.
Inspired by Googum, I’ve decided to try and post a list of all the toys I bought or received in 2007. I can’t go into quite as much detail–I don’t have dates and I certainly don’t have receipts (and part of me doesn’t want to know how much I spent). This is mostly from memory, so there are undoubtedly a few holes–I’ll update as I remember things.
Looking it over, it’s pretty clear I became a fan of (read: obsessed with) DC Superheroes.
DC Superheroes/DC Universe Classics
- Quickfire Joker
- Bane (international variant)
- Scarecrow
- Mr. Freeze
- Blue/gray Batman
- Azrael
- Bizarro (purple)
- Supergirl (blue)
- Lex Luthor
- Darkseid
- Brainiac
- Man-Bat
- Cyborg Superman
- Mongul
- Two-Face
- Clayface
- Catwoman
- Gray/black Batman
- Classic Detective Batman
- Red Tornado
- The Penguin
- Orion
- Etrigan the Demon
- Abe Sapien (Mezco)
- Hellboy Animated (Gentle Giant Best Buy Exclusive)
- Abe Sapien Animated (Gentle Giant)
- Movie Hellboy (Gentle Giant)
- 12″ Movie Abe Sapien (Sideshow)
- Leonardo
- Donatello
- Raphael
- Michelangelo
Legendary Comic Book Heroes
- Savage Dragon
- Judge Dredd
- Ripclaw
- Ann O’Brien
- Marv
- Judge Death
- Star
- Madman
- Witchblade
- Superpatriot
- Conan
- Wraarl
- The Darkness
- Stryker
Marvel Legends
- Tiger Stripe Wolverine
- Blackheart
- Wolverine/Sabretooth Face-Off
- Hydra Soldier
- Silver Surfer (Hasbro Comic F4)
Halo (Joyride Studios)
- Brute
- Spec Ops Elite
- Master Chief (series 4)
Nightmare Before Christmas (NECA)
- Santa Jack
- Santa Jack II
- Cyclops
- Experiment Jack
- Street Gear Clubber Lang (Rocky III)
- 7″ Indiana Jones (Disney parks exclusive)
- Fox Sports Robot
- Frosty the Snowman (Round 2)
- Godzilla 1975 (Bandai)
- Identity Crisis Batman (DC Direct)
- Hush Joker (DC Direct)
- Special Forces Accessory Packs (Resaurus)
- Jonathan Papelbon (McFarlane MLB)
- Creature from the Black Lagoon (Toy Island)
- Pig Cop (Duke Nukem – Resaurus)
- Grimlock (Transformers Titanium 3″)
- Snowman (Twisted Christmas – McFarlane)
- Alien Warrior (Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem – NECA)
- Ramathorr (FANtastic Exclusive)
Neat! I keep a little legal pad next to my computer at work, and jot down whenever I buy a toy–it's easier for me to keep track of it at work, besides, at home my wife would've found it and asked why the hell I needed another Nightcrawler figure.
I plan on getting the DCSH, when and if they turn up, hopefully. How's the Sports Robot?
Mumma Ghostal
Hmmm…that probably equals the number of pairs of shoes your sister bought in 2007…
To paraphrase the greatest movie line of all time….You're gonna need a bigger case…
I bought a LOT of Transformers stuff this year…
Transformers Classics
Ultra Magnus
Optimus Prime
Constructicon Devastator (Walmart Exclusive)
Optimus Prime vs. Megatron (2-Pack)
Misc Bots
Pepsi Optimus Prime (BotCon)
MP Starscream (Wal-Mart exclusive)
G1 Soundwave TRU exclusive
Robot Heroes
Grimlock and Shockwave
Mirage and Starscream
Optimus Prime and Ravage
Rodimus and Insecticon
Jazz and Thundercracker
Bumblebee and Soundwave
Optimus Prime and Unicron
Ultra Magnus and Megatron
Movie Robot Heroes
Jazz and Frenzy
Ratchet and Megatron
Bumblebee and Barricade
Optimus Prime and Blackout
Battle Armor Bumblebee and Starscream
Optimus w/o Face plate and Skorponock
2008 Bumblebee
Target G1 Exclusive Jazz
Target G1 Repaint Starscream
Ice Armor Megatron – Target Exclusive
Robovision Optimus Prime – Target Exclusive
and a bunch of other deluxes not seen in the movie.
MOTU Stactions
Battle Armor He-Man
Rio Blast
Evil Lyn
@googum–Haven't opened the Fox Sports Robot yet, was waiting to take some in-package pics first. I'll try to do that tonight.
@MG–I already want another of those Detolf cases. It's awesome.
@PT–That is indeed a lot of TFs. The only one I got on there was Grimlock…despite being a HUGE TF fan as a kid, for some reason it hasn't come back around, even with the movie. I mean, I wrote a 200+ page Transformers fanfic when I was fifteen, and I have yet to even see the movie! I'm rectifying that very soon, though.
whered you find the HALO stuff? if you can still get a master chief for me, thatd be a big help!
Sure! Free toys for everyone!
I wish….in all seriousness, though, I have a contest coming up soon with an opportunity to win at least one free toy.
I should win by default, seeing as to how awesome and poor I am. Unless it's a wrestling figure. I don't want none of that.
It's not a wrestling figure. It's a superhero. Which one? Technically, I don't know! How is that possible? You'll soon see…
I like free toys! I just hope its not one of those contests where you have to answer 36 questions and sacrafice the blood of your first born!
I think '07 was the most I've bought in a year for toys, at least since I was a kid. Between Classics, the Movie and Robot Heroes… it just snowballed. '08 is all about paying off my credit cards! Just in time for Animated and TF2 stuff to come out!
@PT–no, it's a very easy contest. I'll be putting it up next week, along with my giant DC Universe review (I'm working on a nice surprise for that).
This was a pretty expensive year for me too, what with having to catch up on DC Superheroes…and I had to buy an engagement ring on top of it all! (Not that I'm complaining, of course…I mean…um, I love you, honey!!)
Mrs. PG-to-be
Sweet Zombie Jesus, no wonder there's no room in the apartment. And this doesn't even count the ones I got!
Yeah, could you buy me stuff too?
Back on topic… I have no idea what toys I bought this year. I know not as much as every other year as I've been really scaling back… but there were a lot of G.I. Joes and clones in there.
Poe, if I kidnapped you, would PG-to-be give me your Black and Grey DCSH Batman as ransom?
Not that I would, of course… *hides chloroform*
@Pete–I'm sure she would, though I might be shouting to her not to…