A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Odds ‘n Ends > October 21, 2010


  • DST answered my Minimate question. Bummer, but not unexpected. Still, Hellboy MMs seem like a no-brainer to me. BTW, the ones above were created by Minimate customizer extraordinaire Bob Harris. Click the pic for more pics of his many customs, including Dr. McNinja and Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter.
  • Mattel has posted some Shadow Beast pics on their Facebook page. Looks pretty neat, but I prefer Gygor.
  • I’ve got a bunch of reviews I owe you, including, of course, Roboto. Planning to get to at least one of them tonight.
  • I recorded a guest appearance on OrccaCast last night. It should be up shortly before Halloween, I believe. I’ve also got an appearance on another pretty big podcast fairly soon, but I’m going to save that news for now.
  • Finally, I’ve received a test shot of the PGPoA-exclusive Spy Monkey Creations accessory. Some changes were needed, but once I get the revised test shot, I’ll go ahead and make the announcement.
  • Question for today: what would you name a subscription for 6″ Back to the Future figures on Mattycollector? My submission is Club Flux Capacitor. Kind of a mouthful, though.


Pic of the Day


Blame for Roboto shoulders? Not the factory.


  1. The Shadow Beasts look great, and its certainly a great way to recycle those molds, but they definitely look better on Gygor. The hands and feet do some good in setting them apart from Gygor, but it still looks like an obvious repaint. Maybe in person it will be different.

    Here are some club names:

    Club 1.21 Gigawatts

    Club Did'ja call me Yell'a?

    Club Great Scott!

    Club Marty

    Club Einstein

    Club '85

  2. Ben

    Club Marvin Berry.

    Club Clint Eastwood.

  3. Barbecue17

    So, does DST ever answer positively in their Q&A's. I can't recall one Q&A where they responded that they were working on new product. It usually seems like they just talk about how they're canceling stuff.

  4. Club of Inevitable Disappointment.

  5. Poe

    @Barbecue17: I think they have occasionally hinted at big plans for a particular product, especially the big sellers like Marvel or Ghostbuster Minimates. But yeah, usually they only make hints or announcements regarding existing licenses.

  6. Snarf! Snarf!

    Club Outtatime

    Club This is Heavy!

    Club Hill Valley

    Club Time Paradox

    Club Mc Fly

    Club Butthead

    Club Manure! I hate Manure!

    Club Get your darned hands off of her Biff!

    Club Hoverboard

  7. Jason

    I cant wait to see the new accessory. and i have to say i like the Club Flux Capacitor the best so far.

  8. FakeEyes22

    Subscription Under the Sea

    Club Heavy


    Club Damn my Mom is bangin'

    Club Thanks for a Roboto with a cracked torso.

  9. Club This is a blues riff in "B", watch me for the changes, and try and keep up, okay?

  10. FakeEyes22

    Club That ginger kid who snags Marty's mom from George at the dance and has an unreasonably maniacal and kinda rapey cackle before George shoves him down since he's got this power-trip after knocking out the biggest jerk in town.

  11. RM

    I still wish that the Shadow Beast had at least a hint of purple in them, but otherwise it looks fantastic to me.

  12. JediCreeper

    I think a nice simple Club Capacitor would work…

    the shadow beast is nice, but I'm indifferent.. and I don't know why I read the comments, because frankly the sheer concentration of pure stupid was just painful.

  13. Club Purple Underpants!!! LOL.

  14. dwaltrip

    Glad to see Odd n Ends back…..always my favorite.

  15. The Flash III

    Club 88

    Club Delorean

    and I agree with Tear's Club 1.21 Jigawatts

  16. Poe


    Club This is a blues riff in “B”, watch me for the changes, and try and keep up, okay?

    This is my favorite so far. FakeEyes22's is good too.

  17. thomas

    club "my mom creepily stared at me and probably lady raped me my while i lay unconscious"

  18. Scott

    How about Club What Are They Possibly Going To Make For This Line?

  19. Nik

    Club if you guys get a 6" scale DeLorean and we dont get a 6" Ecto 1 I will flip out

  20. takeittothemax

    Club Your Underwear Says Calvin.

  21. FakeEyes22

    Nik wins, in my book!

    So very honest and perfect. Really, the existence of a realistic, huge Delorean that works with a couple figures is undeniably cool. Even if you didn't want to buy one now, you probably wanted one at some point. And yet, these circumstances truly would make a childhood dream fulfilled into a slap in the face.

    Well played, sir.

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