A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Toy Aisle Trolls > The Devil’s Hands on Idle Playthings

Toy Aisle Trolls is a feature highlighting acts of vandalism to in-store toy items. If you find a ruined package, a stolen figure, a swapped-out figure, or any other such acts, take a photo (cell phone photos are fine if they’re not blurry) and email them to poe AT poeghostal.com. Also, please note: I’m deliberately being over-the-top with my condemnation of these people–I don’t actually wish bodily harm upon them. Just severe mental anguish.

Poester Magneto76 sends in this interesting little item. First off, the scuzzbag swaps not one, but two Hand Ninjas for a couple of the 10,000,000+ Snake Eyes produced since the movie came out. That’s already enough to make him one of the worst human beings ever to appear in T.A.T., but initially it does appear that he has some interest in actually trying to make the swap look realistic.

But then he flat-out steals both Wolverines’ hands.

Look, I don’t collect Marvel Universe, but why the hell would anyone want to do that? What is wrong with this person–besides the obvious? Is he some sort of serial killer in the making, collecting trophies from his victims? Is he working on a tiny kettle of hands?

Seriously, WTF. May his sticky fingers develop permanent jock itch. (Use your imagination.)




Pic of the Day


  1. dayraven

    he stole the wolvie's hands… that is exceptional douchery, even for TAT… YOU may not be able to wish harm on these dicknecks poe, but let me just say… PLEASE let me catch one of these pricks. just once. i only need one… the taint punch will be so severe that TATs the wrold over will scream like girls and collapse with bleeding gouches.

  2. Barbecue17

    Stole Wolverine's hands? Were these hands better than the hands on other Wolverines? What weird custom was he making with hand ninjas and wolverine claws? Who knows?

  3. Mecha-Shiva

    Is that wolverine for that actual package?The costume on the art is different.Could the swapper be a toy costumizer getting rid of his fodder?GASP!

  4. Magneto76

    It's the wolverine that's in the target 2-packs. Those packs were on the shelf for weeks. They were gone as of yesterday, but I feel bad for the little kid that probably got them for his birthday. I hate the scum that do this, it takes all the fun out of our hunting.

    @ Poe – Thanks for sharing this with the gang.

  5. Twice? That cock did this twice?! I understand the Ninjas (if I were a thieving douche) cause they're black this time, which is pretty cool. But Wolverine's hands? Does anybody need 4 Wolverine hands? Really?! It's not like they haven't made a million different versions of the guy…

  6. misterbigbo

    Maybe he found the only wolverine hands with straight claws instead of silver spaghetti. Wolvie was my first favorite comic hero, but i’ve never bought an action figure of him cuz the claws are always terrible.

  7. Templar

    Maybe he found the only wolverine hands with straight claws instead of silver spaghetti. Wolvie was my first favorite comic hero, but i’ve never bought an action figure of him cuz the claws are always terrible.

    The 4" Hasbro figures don't seem to suffer from that problem, being as the claws are molded as a single piece.

  8. thomas

    my favorite thing of all time is actually CATCHING one of these guys at target trying to return some repacked joes.

    He ended up getting some REALLY huge fines and is no longer allowed in any target.

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