A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Buzz-Off’s Bio Revealed

No one seems to know where it came from–or they won’t say–but Buzz-Off’s bio, and a packaging pic, have surfaced. Here they are for your perusal. I’m not going to offer comments–I’ll get to that when I do the official bio discussion. I will say one thing–between this and Carnivus, I’m starting to think the BW is deliberately going for humor with these “real names.”


MOTUC Bio Discussion #25 > Optikk


Pic of the Day


  1. Dark Angel

    Really, it is a mystery to me why they want to lean so very heavily on the MYP mythology, but don't want "hyper anime style" sculpting…

    …and yeah, I am not sure we are even supposed to be paying any attention to the names at all a this point.

  2. Darren

    I think its kind of funny that everyone in MOTU is a King. The Monarchs must outnumber their subjects 5 to 1.

  3. dayraven

    @Dark Angel: cuz the filmation "storytelling" was basically for complete shit. simple as that, when you're an idiot, and you're asked to do something creative, you stick to whatever idea people seemed to gravitate more towards.

    what, you thought they should create something ORIGINAL? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    i want to know one thing: where is the evil guy who flies? cuz i would think, given how thematic the he-man characters are, that to have a "sky war" you'd need at least one guy who flies. there are none over on that evil side. there's 3 guys protecting eternia's skies for the good guys, but bad guys, not one. WTF is that? even the guy w/ the best odds, mosquitor, no wings. that's straight bollocks man.

  4. I find his actual name to be hilarious.

  5. Dark Angel

    @dayraven: …well, y'know…those three goodies are apparently a lot better at their job than the ground-based goodies. Or, at least, less opposed to the use of deadly force… ๐Ÿ™‚

    As for the mythology…I actually wish they would stop trying to tell a story with the bios at all, and keep them as simply bios. Really, I don't think a single MOTU fan agrees 100% with any other fan or Mattel, anyway…

  6. I'd bet my butt that the pics surfaced due to the purchase of a production sample that was taken away from whereever they produce these things.

    As for the bio, I don't take any of them seriously anymore. If they weren't printed on an official Mattel product, they'd be nothing more than badly-written fanfics. That's not directed at Buzz-Off's bio in particular, but at pretty much every bio (with the occasional exception here and there).

  7. dayraven

    @Dark Angel: sure seems, doesn't it, what w/ the lack of competition and all.

    i do believe you're onto something there DA, about dropping the story arc in favor of actual bios that brought them to "this moment in time" but let the FANS decide what that moment is, why it's important, etc… the story they're cranking out is fun, kind of, but it's shoddy writing and everyone knows it, so rather than inundate us w/ crap, give us the power to make up the story as the figures inform our imagination. leave the story content to actual writers doing a script for a cartoon or movie.

  8. americanhyena

    I too think his real name is brilliant. :-p

    Unless I'm forgetting someone (admittedly a possibility) but it seems the baddies have a monopoly on aquatic warriors with Mer-Man and Clawful.

  9. Snarf! Snarf!

    @dayraven: B-but that requires hiring REAL writers and that's a big no-no for Mattel. Have you an idea of how logistically impossible that is!? Next thing you're gonna ask for is something ludicrous like better QC on the toys or an improved ordering process.

  10. jackstatic

    Well, at the very least, Evil Lyn didn't break this character out of jail, or prison, or an alternate dimension…. Seriously… that is a legitimate concern that mattel has now made me have!

  11. Thrawn

    @ Americanhyena

    Princess of Power has Mermista. So there is that. But I don't like her chances against both Merman and Clawful.

  12. RocketPunch

    @dayraven: The "Sky War" mentioned on the bio is a reference to the MYP episode of the same name, where Skeletor tricks Stratos & Buzz-Off's people into fighting each other.

    You have a point though, they should definitely make some new airborne Evil Warriors.

  13. Andrew Davis

    Does anyone else see the spot in the package where his "hyper anime detail" head should've been? Man, 20XX Buzz-Off had a way cooler head too.

  14. I always kinda wanted 20XX Buzz-off because he was in one of my favorite gags in Toyfare ever: "Want some tea? It's naturally sweetened!" And I definitely agree on the 20XX head being cooler.

    Buzz-off's real name sounds familiar, though…hey! I thought his real name was like Dr. Buzzov or something.

  15. PrfktTear

    I don't want to sit here and pretend that the Filmation series had a ton of depth or whatnot, but it’s simply a product of the time. Cartoons didn't really start to get sophisticated like they are today until about the mid-'90s with shows like Batman: The Animated Series and Gargoyles. In comparison to today’s animated programs, shows like AVATAR: The Last Airbender, Ben 10, Teen Titans, etc, yeah, the cheesy dialogue and constant cell re-use seems quite dated.

    I know some will argue that MOTU was actually Filmation on the decline compared to its heyday, but MOTU and POP also kept a lot of writers/artists in work and a lot of them went on to bigger better things.

    Where do you think Paul Dini got his start? It also featured Larry DiTillio who wrote on both the Filmation series AND the MYP show, and was involved with most of the episodes of Beast Wars: Transformers. Tom Sito who went on to work for Disney and had a hand in the majority of their ‘90s animated feature length films.

    Also, their run was very ambitious… 65 episodes times two seasons. That’s a LOT of episodes. Filmation took on an ambitious task of churning out episodes for a syndicated animated television series. Unfortunately when the quantity goes up usually the quality suffers. Most animated shows seem to run about 13 episodes per season now, so they have much more time to dedicate per episode.

    In general though, every show is going to have some dud episodes, it’s just a fact of life. Even some of my favorite shows have episodes that you just wish weren’t there, like every Kate-centric episode of LOST, or every Troi-centric episode of TNG (‘cept the one where she’s undercover as a Romulan, that one was good). Even RDM’s reimagined Battlestar Galactica, which I think is one of the greatest television shows ever has a couple that are just BO-ring (Black Market, anyone?)

    I’m not delusional, in actuality the Filmation show may not be the best show, but looking back at it with the goggles of nostalgia, it is still one of my favorites. There are a lot of throwaway episodes, a lot of “meh” and “okay” episodes, but there is a decent chunk that comprise the classic Masters of the Universe, and when I think of He-Man its what instantly comes to mind. I think you had to be the right age at the time to really appreciate it and to look back on it now as affectionately as I do.

  16. name = hilarious. Plus Optikk, plus Evelyn Powers and her companion Screech Powers , they are having a blast, and I'm in for the ride. Maybe on the show we will do a Speculate on future names for MOTUC figs? (obviously in the comedic vain, though i think that is implied by now)

  17. Wyngarde

    I wonder if Tri-Klops built his helmet.

    And I'll start the pool for what Mek-A-Neck's "Real Name" will be: Nick Neck.

  18. Wyngarde

    I like the old show over MYP. MYP just tried to hard and much of it felt forced. Just sad that He-Man never said, "Uncle Skeletor". The old show was what it was: Adventure. Every now and then, they'd get something deep in it, but it flowed nice. I do like both shows. And since Optikk came out, I'm giving NA a new look.

    One wonders how much of these bio's will be in with the new movie they are talking about. But it's got to be tough to try and tie two shows in together.

  19. monkey boy

    if anyone has an issue with the supposed stupidity of his "real" name, keep in mind that his actual name is "buzz-off". just because we're used to it doesn't make it less stupid.

  20. I dunno if a stupid name justifies adding an equally stupid real name.

  21. Monkey boy

    What's to "justify"? All I'm saying is if you can accept a name as stupid as buzz-off, you can accept zzzzzttxxxxx or whatever the hell.

  22. PrfktTear

    I actually thought Tzzzzt Tzzzzt zzz zzTTTzz was kind of clever, I mean, they ARE bees afterall! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I think we'll just call him Tzzzzt for short.

  23. MegaGearX


    Hydron and Mermista are the water based heroes.

    The villains barely have any fliers. Only Mosquitor from the Horde can fly unaided.

  24. @Dark Angel:

    Well because the MYP series is the only real cohesive story for MOTU to date. And it's a good one.

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